I have a question for all the thin and healthy people out there (serious answers only please). I have been overweight my whole life, and I have tried all kinds of diets, exercising (I'm in college, and I have to walk around campus every day), and using willpower, but nothing has worked so far. I'm at a point now where it's hard to even put my socks on in the morning. I hate to admit it, but I think I'm right around 430 pounds, and I don't want to get any sort of surgery done; I want to lose the weight myself. I know I don't eat as healthy as I should, but I've seen thin people eat fast food and carbohydrates every day and they don't ever seem to gain any weight. My question is, how do you, or they, all do it? Is it really possible that everyone else just has really strong self-control and willpower? Thanks in advance for your responses...I really appreciate any help you can offer.
12 answers
asked by
➔ Diet & Fitness
Also, what do you eat on a daily basis?
10:19:27 ·
update #1
You have reached a place that you truly need a support system to get you on track. Reach out to a good friend and let them help keep you on track. It will be a challenge but once you get your life style changed you will be able to do it.
Think of one meal at a time, do not think of the entire task. Set small goals. Ten pounds at a time would be manageable. If you fall off and eat something you really shouldn't, forget about it and get back on task. You can do it, you just have to get started.
Your metabolism is so bogged down it won't burn all you are eating. Stop sodas first. My son lost 50 lbs just by stopping all soda. Drink water only and add lemon, it will help keep your blood sugars level and improve your metabolism. Green tea two or three times a day is good also. We drink a mix of cranberry concentrate before every meal and it flushes fluid off of you like crazy.
Go to a health food store and get Cranberry concentrate. It is $17.00 a pint and the pint makes two gallons, 8 oz per gallon. Drink 8 oz 20 min.before every meal and between meal. You will peep your brains out and begin to shrink the excess fluids off your body.
No white food, no pasta, potatoes, rice, breads in any form, no sweets' no starches NO JUNK FOOD OR SODAS. Once you stop carbohydrates the cravings for starches will go away. Interestingly enough when we stopped eating white foods, we stopped most all butter.
Fresh vegetables, portions no larger than a deck of cards, lean meat, chicken breasts, fish.
Skip eating pork of any kind until you get started losing. Fresh vegetables. Use splenda as a sweetner. Have Oatmeal every morning for breakfast, not the sweetened packages, they are high sugar. Microwave 1/2 cup oatmeal with 1 cup of water with splenda a few raisins and cinnamon. Its good. Oatmeal every morning will give you fiber, fill your stomach and get you off the sweetened boxed cereals .
Clean all high calorie junk food and packaged food with preservatives out of your pantry.
Clean all sweets and ice creams out of the freezer and refridgerator. All the unopened food can go to a food bank.
Go to the Library and get either the books The Adkins Diet or the Fat Flush Plan. They are both very good.
Get started walking every evening. Just on campus is not enough. You need to get up to at least 10,000 steps a day. My hubby and I walk 2 plus miles every night. He lost 60 lbs on Adkins.
This is important, NEVER GO TO AN ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET. At very least until you have learned to control your eating.
I wish you good luck, I know you can do it.
Set the goal in your mind and work on it 10 pounds at a time. Best Wishes.
2006-11-29 11:02:48
answer #1
answered by ? 7
I am thin and healthy now (after a struggle with an eating disorder) and if and when I eat fast food, it's a treat and it's something healthy like salad or chicken. I still eat carbs, but I eat only whole wheat. I'm 5'4 and weigh 105 pounds, which is on the low end of a healthy weight.
I follow what's called the abs diet, which isn't really a diet at all. On an average day, I have oatmeal for breakfast, a banana and tea a couple hours later, a frozen Lean Cusine for lunch, cottage cheese or almonds a couple hours after that, and a salad or scrambled eggs for dinner. That's it and I'm NEVER hungry. I try and stay away from sugar but if I have any, I have a reese's cup or something and limit it to one. I go out to eat every weekend, but I try to get something fairly healthy. If I get a huge burger or something, I only eat half or split it with someone. I run 40 minutes every day and lift weights every other day and that helps too.
Also, thin people may be eating fast food and carbs every day, but they might have higher metabolisms. Or they have active lifestyles. Or they may gain a pound or two, but work it off through a couple days of exercise and healthy food.
You can do it, you just need to educate yourself on whats healthy. Id talk to the dr. if i were you.
2006-11-29 10:30:20
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Hi there. I too am in college. Im in my freshman year and I've been told that I'm bound to gain at least ten pounds. I have noticed a change in my eating habits. Instead of eating lunch in the cafeteria and home-cooked meals each night, I find myself reaching for things like hot wings, pizza, french fries, and burgers, just about every day! I'm slim (and always have been). But all of my friends are overweight. They haven't lost much weight at all, even though I eat much more than them! Like you, they have experimented with various diets and exercising strategies, but they still struggle with the problem of obesity. Sometimes it just depends on how your metabolism works. Seriously (Im NOT being modest), with the way I eat, I'm surprised I don't weigh at least 190. Or it may depend on how much effort you put into your strategic plan to shed the pounds. For instance, if you walk athe same distance everyday, your body will then get so accustomed to walking the same amount of miles each day, that It will no longer be effective on your body as a way of weight loss. You've gotta do a little bit more as you go along. As for foods, you don't have to diet. Diets are sometimes ineffective. With diets, people figure that since the food is low on fat that they can just go overboard it. The fact is, you can still eat the foods you love, just do so in portions. Make sure you get the nutrition you need. Don't be a salt shaker, and try vitamins and smoothies. They work. Good luck!
2006-11-29 10:37:47
answer #3
answered by 09 _ 4
I am 5'11 and used to weigh 165lbs. I now weigh 135lbs due to changing my diet and exercising. When I was heavier I used to eat alot of bad food and never exercised. I also ate big meals. I found what worked was not dieting but eating smaller portions of food 5 or 6 times a day rather then eating 3 big meals. Don't eat fried food or drink pop and you don't have to cut out all of the bad food but only have it once in a while. When you see the pounds sheding off you don't even want to eat the greasy sugar-filled food anymore. When I started exercising I only walked on the treadmill then when it didn't seem challenging anymore I did a slow jog. Now I am running 5 miles a day and am able to keep the weight off. I hope this helps. Good luck!
P.S. Drink alot of cold water (try drinking it from a water bottle rather then a glass it just seems easier) it will boost your metabolism and help with hunger cravings and when you exercise listen to some upbeat music, believe me, it is much more enjoyable! Never skip breakfast!
2006-11-29 10:35:15
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I'm thin and healthy. I think it's a metabolism thing. I was reading recently that the biggest weight loss really truly come from diet and exercise. The exercise part was this: Do it 5-6 days a week for a half hour. Don't strain yourself tho. Don't try so hard you get dizzy. You just need your heart rate to be consistantly raised the entire half hour. You don't have to exercise that hard. Be disciplined with it. It's the consistency in which you do it where you will see the results. Hope this helps some.
2006-11-29 10:23:59
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
You know you have to diet and excercise. Though I'm not thin, I think I'm healthy (ish). Anyways, I don't have the super metabolism of people who eat fast food every day and don't gain weight, but I'm on a diet and lost fifteen pounds so far. So listen to me. (okay no you don't have to- but anyways...)
You should swim. I love swimming!!!!It works a lot of muscles in your body, but your legs don't get sore like they do when you run. And you don't really sweat (I hate sweating). At the weight you say you're at, it will probably be enough just to tread water for ten minutes, but you should also do laps.
Also, you should chew gum. i do this partly to stop biting my nails but also so i don't eat more food because I'm already chewing the gum, which has a lot less calories. so if you do that you won't want snacks as much.
I know you're in college but you shouldn't drink a lot ok? i'm not in college, but i know that the biggest reason people gain weight in college is because they drink. alchoholic drinks do have calories.
drink diet soda (or water, which won't give you brain cancer). I saw on TV that a lot of people drink like a quarter of the calories they have in a day. So diet soda or water. Or, i read this somewhere, carbonated water with some fruit juice.
Otherwise, just excercise. That's really all I can say, unless you want to use pills or stuff like that.
Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2006-11-29 10:57:55
answer #6
answered by she who is awesome 5
If you just eat less then you would drop some weight don't think of it as a diet just eat smaller portions and if you are eating things high in sugar then cut them out and replace it with something healthy, i know its hard but that's what needs to be done. and if you are drinking alot of soda...stop you can drop 10 lbs a year be cutting out soda. and once you feel you can begin an exercise program.. i think a great idea would be to get a personal trainer i had one and it was amazing, they make you work but it is all worth it. just keep trying and NEVER GIVE UP!! :) and have a positive attitude never say that you can't do it it will only bring you down
2006-11-29 10:26:01
answer #7
answered by Brokensoul898 2
I think that you need to be happy with yourself and not let what every body else says about the weight issue. Sure if you aint happy then yeah alot of these answers should help you. But once you get on that track dont let it go bad and make it to unhealthy to lose weight and all. Maybe if you have a signifagant other than you should look to them for help if not then I am always here for you. Just let me know if you need anything.
2006-11-29 13:41:00
answer #8
answered by ibabiss 1
my brother is one of those people who can eat anything and not gain a single pound-but for me it's another story--just try to eat the right carbohydrates like whole wheat brown rice and just less refined sugars and more protein -not the Adkins but low-glycemic seems to work so far for me..
2006-11-29 10:25:07
answer #9
answered by Art 4
um. im really skinny. and if had the option to do a surgery that would help me gain weight and live a healthier lifestyle i would go for it. but i dont. you on the other hand do and if nothing is working you seriously need to consider it. good luck. im sure you will do the right thing for yourself.
2006-11-29 20:17:22
answer #10
answered by hoe fo sho.... 1