Because they are cowards. Cowards die several times before their deaths. You dont want to fight? go to Canada, cant promise that I wont shoot you in the back of the head while you are running for the border though.
2006-11-29 10:21:56
answer #1
answered by druszka717 3
There seems to be a bunch of answers. Most negative. When one chooses a path that is different often that is the price one pays.
My perception of a true "CO" is a person that grew up with the philosophy of not killing anyone in any war. A CO is not a coward, at least not anymore than some/many who joined the guard or reserves and then when their number or unit is called THEN they decide to be a CO.
Just like College is not for everybody, neither is war/killing. However, COs can/do/have served their country in many ways that also are beneficial (sometimes more dangerous) to the country.
I think the bottom line is what and how deep is one's conviction.
2006-11-29 13:42:54
answer #2
answered by GERALD S. MCSEE 4
If you are a conscientious objector, don't join the military. But for some reason, concientious objection only crops up when you are find out that you are being sent to a combat zone. If you speak up before the military, then you are sticking to your values. If you do it when war comes up, then you are a coward.
There are many objectors who do serve their coutry. They join the medical corps, or the chaplains corps, and I find this perfectly acceptable. There are many stories of Quakers that wanted to serve their country, but refused to take part in the fighting because of the tenents of their faith, but they leapt at the oppurtunity to become corpsmen, medics, nurses and doctors. They are honorable, and I applaud them for it.
You on the other hand, are without honor.
2006-12-01 06:39:13
answer #3
answered by The_moondog 4
Saying your a "conscientious objector" is another way of saying you want to live in this country, but you want some one else to do the dirty work of protecting you, your family and your way of life. No one wants to fight in a war and get shot or kill, but some people take the responsibility of doing what has to be done.
2006-11-30 08:46:48
answer #4
answered by blindogben 3
Why on earth would someone enlist in the military if they're a conscientious objector? Seems to me that's wanting the benefits of being in the military (college money) without the responsibility. That's pathetic. You don't get to pick-and-choose in the military.
And your degree from Yale is in....????
2006-11-29 11:08:59
answer #5
answered by Jadis 6
Conscientious objector's are viewed by many as being cowardly. Many of them served their country in war by being medics. Their lives were on the line and worse yet, they didn't have weapons to fight back with. They just didn't believe in taking another's life.
2006-11-29 10:33:50
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Well Big Dave, You are a BIG LOSER. It is easy to get on here and write crap, but you wouldn't go and defend your country to protect your rights. No Big Loser, you are willing to get on here and talk crap about those who do. Screw you Dave you no class B@stard and the military wouldn't have you anyway.
On Conscientious objectors, well some have good reasons, but a lot talk sh!t like you and those are the ones I think should be shot.
2006-11-29 10:34:44
answer #7
answered by Shiva07 2
Because most 'conscientious objectors' are hypocrites. they have no problem with wars that they feel are to their benefit.
Besides - the whole concept of pacifism is indefensible from an ethical standpoint because in order to be a pacifist you must also renounce your duty to act in protection of your fellow man.
2006-11-29 10:32:32
answer #8
answered by MikeGolf 7
Why do they join the Army in the first place? Dumb azzes. the first line of the oath reads
I _______________ do solemly swear to protect and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemy's foriegn and domestic.
The ones that all of the sudden become Con Obs when the bullets start flying just kill me. Those are the ones that rolled the dice hoping they could get in and out in 3 years and get there college paid for.....
2006-11-29 10:44:54
answer #9
answered by joelkh2003 2
Some conscientious objectors actually have a good reason, one they are phobic to blood and it might give them a panic attack..
Or they are super religious and want to be faithful, you got to admire that..
But then there are others who just checks that box to avoid the war, like the marines or soldiers who raped the young Iraqi girl.. Few people can make thousands look bad..
2006-11-29 10:26:16
answer #10
answered by Shadowfox 4
I don't have problem with people who has certain objections to the war. But I do have a problem with people who accuse people who lead and fight (on our behalf) of below average IQ.
If you want out, the system provides for you to do it. Worry about yourself, not others IQ, or their purpose in fighting.
2006-11-29 10:26:33
answer #11
answered by tkquestion 7