You aren`t her friend and she isn`t yours. Real friends don`t do things like that to each other, nor do they let the opposite sex come between them. You know she will be mad; that`s why you did it.
2006-11-29 08:52:50
answer #1
answered by Gallifrey's Gone 4
to me you should always talk to friend about dating one of their ex's to see if it's truely okay with them. but usually they're not, so most of the time I just don't even go there. if she "took" him from you, she must not be a really good friend. and why would you take him back? she can't just "take him" he has to let her. and if he did.. he's a jerk and you don't want him anyways. sounds like he's getting more out of it than you and your friend. I say both of you ditch the guy and scope the mall for a new hottie.
hope I've been helpful!
2006-11-29 08:52:42
answer #2
answered by .:*giggles*:. 3
If i where u i would just let him go if he went to ur best friends at first maybe u shouldnt take him back.. becuase if shes mad then shes not a real friend... and she wouldnt be taking ur bf... just get a new one.. and let her keep him because ur not worth of being hurt if he goes to her again.
2006-11-29 08:54:29
answer #3
answered by tarafarrah 2
I don't know.....were you mad when she took your boyfriend from you??? So.....probably YES!!! Your boyfriend sounds like a real winner.....leave them both alone!!!
2006-11-29 08:57:27
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
If she would steel YOUR boyfriend than she is not really your friend!! u should be mad at her.
2006-11-29 09:03:07
answer #5
answered by Summer 1
Whoa drama! She Probably will be mad!
2006-11-29 08:50:59
answer #6
answered by Angel Eve 6
I think that you both should just find your own men ~ friends don't do that to friends.
2006-11-29 08:51:41
answer #7
answered by me 4
Yall got to much drama and why are yall going withthe same boy that is just STUPID
2006-11-29 08:53:11
answer #8
answered by ~MISS SEXINESS~ 2
Yes, but she doesn't sound like a good friend and neither do you.
2006-11-29 08:52:24
answer #9
answered by MT Hammer 2
who cares, if she took him from you in the first place, but seriously you should both dump him.. what a loser.. he's probally still seeing both of you...
2006-11-29 08:52:31
answer #10
answered by misty 2