During WW2, there was a top secret project using the best minds of the world except for Einstein and a few others as they opposed the project called Manhattan Project. Its goal was to harness the power of the atom and turn it into a weapon. They did and the first bomb was fired in the Nevada dessert and was called the Trinity test.
The bomb was then tasked to be weaponsized and a B29 was specially fitted and modified to carey the giant beast of a bomb. While the bomb was being constructed and designed and such, the military command along with the president were debating the outcomes of a land invasion of Japan. After much delberation of whther the bomb should be used or hundereds of thousnads of troops be used in a invasion, it was decided to drop the Uranium based bomb on a designated city that had not suffered the same bombing campaign as the other cities had. The first choice (the name of the city escapes me) was covered with clouds so the secondary target of Hiroshima was chosen and bombed. The Japanese were stunned at the new weapon. Emperor Hirohito wanted to surrender to the Americans but the Military did not want to lose face by surrendering. in the turmoil of the that followed with the debates of surrender or not, Nagasaki was wiped away by a Plutonium based weapon.
At that time the Emperor won the fight and surrendered to the Americans. They also did this to avoid retribution by the Russians whom they have faught for many years with prior.
After the war was over, a tour was done by the American command and found out that they would have had overwhelming casualties had they attempted to land on Japan as they had 3 lines fo trenches, bunkers, and other assorted fortifications armed with soldiers and civillians.
I hope this answered your question!
2006-11-29 03:18:10
answer #1
answered by rdbn7734 3
After the Battle of Okinawa, the United States realized that there would be significant loss of life incurred by invading the Japanese islands. As a result, the decision was made to employ the atomic bomb in an effort to bring a quicker end to the war.
2016-05-23 01:50:16
answer #2
answered by Katherine 4
There is a movie, rather docu-drama, about how it was made,
It stared Dwight Shultz. I do not remember its title.
After the first test in the desert, two were used against Japan to
force them to capitulate.
Thank you very much, while you're up!
2006-11-29 03:05:45
answer #3
answered by producer_vortex 6
it was made from the manhattan project, then it was dropped on Japan in order submit them to surrender.
2006-11-29 02:48:57
answer #4
answered by world's greatest hero 2
I believe that the movie Producer_Vortex is referring to is "Fat Man and Little Boy".
2006-11-29 03:14:12
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
first as an ominous threat then two were droped on Japan.
2006-11-29 02:46:06
answer #6
answered by Grev 4