If the American military pulls out, a few things will very likely happen:
1. If you think the situation is bad there now, the violence will only escalate;
2. America will appear weak militarily;
3. Muslim extremists will get the message that crime does, in fact, pay very well;
4. The fragile democracy in Iraq will likely collapse;
5. Those in power now, including the police, will be sitting ducks.
(See also CAMBODIA after we left Vietnam for further lessons.)
2006-11-29 02:32:25
answer #1
answered by C = JD 5
Answer: As it is, I don't think there is a civil war going on in Iraq. However, I can certainly see one ensuing IF we pull the troops out too soon.
Sectarian violence is not uncommon for a new democracy in this stage of its life... The same thing happened in the U.S. in the years following the Revolutionary war, right up until the Constitution was written and ratified.
2006-11-29 02:31:21
answer #2
answered by Firestorm 6
No. There are two factors and they go hand in hand. First there are the factions. That is not just Shite versus Sunni but also factions within those groups. Second, they have a society built on retribution. When someone is killed then than persons clan must seek retribution in kind and on and on. That will continue until one side is clearly dominate and exercises brutal control over the other.
I spent a tour there and used to have hopes that Iraq would make something of itself. But my hopes have dimmed with each passing month.
2006-11-29 03:15:28
answer #3
answered by k3s793 4
the genuine questions are those: *Will* there be an end to the conflict? if so, how long will it take? and how many American lives and how plenty money will it value? inspite of each and every thing else that persons throw around, the solutions to those 3 questions are what be certain people's techniques-set in direction of the conflict. in my view, i do no longer see the Iraqi government making any headway in direction of poltical reconciliation or making any helpful efforts at quelling sectarian violence. If the Iraqis won't be able to administration their united states with extra desirable American troops in Baghdad, then there is not any longer something we are in a position to truly do -- we won't stabilize their united states for them. they should do it. we ought to start a phased redeployment (it quite is, slow withdrawal); we won't go away fullyyt, yet as quickly as we live, we are going to basically have extra people ineffective and not something to coach for it.
2016-12-14 08:53:58
answer #4
answered by shoaf 4
I am in the 101st Airborne Division, and I am currrently deployed, and in Baghdad Iraq (Camp Liberty) right now, and from personal experience, the war will not end, it will only get worse, because the shiit muslems and the sunni muslems just want to kill each other, and if we leave, it will become nothing but a blood bath... (The iraqi army has not the strength to run the country)
2006-11-29 03:00:51
answer #5
answered by sportznut05 3
Hezbullah , military/political stooges for IRAN , are training and equiping the Shia insurgents .
You also have Al Queda , Hamas , and others stirring up trouble,while Syria and Iran hold the check book .
Pull out an Atlas, look at the middle east .
If Iran gains political /military control of Iraq , Lebanon , Northern Isreal , Jordan and Saudi Arabia they'll have most of the oil and deep water ports in the area.
That's a huge strategic advantage and a choke hold on the world .
If we pull out , the fighting will continue until Iran has it all .
2006-11-29 02:55:22
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
The Iraq war is over! We destroyed Saddam's Army and now were fighting a war against terrorism.
2006-11-29 06:06:27
answer #7
answered by Odes 2
Think of it this way: Ending conflict in Iraq by pulling out our forces is paramount to France securing peace with Nazi Germany by surrendering.
2006-11-29 03:59:35
answer #8
answered by promethius9594 6
The presence of the US troops is mitigating the violence right now. It would erupt into a huge conflagration without our presence.
2006-11-29 02:33:33
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Sunnis would take control in less than a year and everything would go back to the way it was before.
2006-11-29 02:37:23
answer #10
answered by Gustav 5