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20 answers

you need to discuss with your doctor as we dont know your history, and whether you are on something already that might interact.

2006-11-28 23:51:31 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Before my wedding day I thought I might pass out at the alter because I have collapsed before so it was a big worry but on the day I was so preoccupied with organising people that it took my mind off the day ahead because that is where the panic comes from...worrying. If you have loads of time to worry about something that is what causes the panic attack. For example: you tend to have a panic attack before a job interview because you work yourself up, not during because once you actually get to the event it is never as big as you build it up in your mind

Keep yourself busy, trust me you will be anyway. Make sure you got people (best man) to worry about things that can go wrong like making sure you have rings with you.
Have a quick whiskey if you want to take the edge off things but don't indulge in drink cos it will only spoil what will be a great day.

It'll be fine

2006-11-28 23:58:58 · answer #2 · answered by scott e 1 · 2 0

There is a NATURAL remedy you can try. It is called Bach Rescue Remedy. It is either drops or a spray that basically looks like breath freshener. It is flower remedies. You spray it on your tongue, and they help to calm you down. The other thing you could look at is seeing a homeopath. Mine makes me these fabulous little sugar pills, and I have like a natural valium. Neither of these options will interact with any medications.

If you aren't on other meds, you could look at Valerian, at least I think that is what its called. It is like a natural Valium. Go speak to a health food shop professional.

Someone else suggested taking an SSRI medication. I would suggest you steer clear of meds, unless absolutely necessary. There are natural alternatives out there. Also the medication can end up mimicking the original symptoms, leading to needing more and more of them... I speak from experience.

Most importantly of all, practise your breathing. The minute you start to feel a PA coming on, breathe! Even just 3 really good, strong deep breaths, expanding your diaphragm can help to relax you.

For the rest of it, just remember why you are getting married in the first place, and the love you feel for your partner, and if you need to, get lost in their eyes and forget that anyone else exists.

2006-11-29 00:03:35 · answer #3 · answered by Doozer B 2 · 2 0

I'm sure that you won't have a panic attack!

If you do actually think that you might, then I suggest giving the good people at the St. John's Ambulance a call. They will come along and provide emergency medical support for you and your guests!

I hope you have a fantastic wedding and good luck!

2006-11-28 23:51:36 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Check out the symptoms link at www.hufa.org and see if you have other symptoms of a temporary or chronic low blood sugar condition, then start eating "right". There are some books in the library link with diets that help level blood sugar. I found the "Protein Power" by Eades to be the easiest to follow.

2006-11-28 23:58:48 · answer #5 · answered by Pegasus90 6 · 0 0

Xanax or klonopin are really good for a one day event such as wedding day jitters. Take them a few days in advance to see how they effect you. Don't take Celexa as suggested by someone else. It's an antidepressant known for it's sexual side effects. You don't need to get on an antidepressant just to walk down the aisle.

2006-11-28 23:58:27 · answer #6 · answered by Debra D 7 · 0 0

first you need to identify what situations also give you panic attacks,then you need to put yourself back in those situations and learn how to deal with them,rule number one you need to learn how to breath because when your having a panic attack its like a heart attack all the symptoms are there just your mind is tricking you,if your really worried the is a harmless pill with zero side effects called clonazopan it really helps you relax and stay calm all you need is 0.25mgs which is half a pill and you will get through everything fine

2006-11-29 08:23:59 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i take xanax for occasional attacks, it helps a lot. big thing though, it may make you sleepy, (a whole pill knocks me out) so only take half and eat something with it
i would say its probably best not to take anything though, so you dont have to deal with side effects. drink a cup of tea for reducing stress and tension (i suggest traditional medicinals easy now tea) breath deep and remember this is just ONE day. sure its a little stressful but hey, youre marrying the love of your life right? just think about him and how happy your life is going to be together. its stressful but come that last dance, youll realize how much it was worth it to be with the man that makes you so happy!

2006-11-29 02:19:07 · answer #8 · answered by DanielleNichole 3 · 0 0

Talk to your doctor. Do you normally have a panic disorder? My friend was so about a week before her wedding she was actually getting physically sick. Her doctor prescribed a low dose of an anti anxiety med and she was fine.

2006-11-29 00:22:49 · answer #9 · answered by paulamcneil1223 3 · 1 0

"Quiet life" is good and totally herbal. Kalms is too. The biggest ingredient is lettuce!

Just remember it's all about having a great day, any mistakes or anything like that you will always remember with a smile in the future.

Have a lovely day, the hard work starts after! (Only kidding)

2006-11-28 23:59:20 · answer #10 · answered by voodoobluesman 5 · 1 0

you don't want to be on any medication on your wedding day ,make sure you start the day with a good breakfast this alone will settle your stomach,just enjoy everything about it if you thing something is about to go wrong count to ten and think so what we can get over this,,,,, and you will,try to eat small and often all day this will balance you out for the evening, have a wonder full wonder full day, congratulations to you both be posative, make sure your partner has breakfast aswell... good luck...

2006-11-29 00:24:29 · answer #11 · answered by twinsters 4 · 0 1

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