I don't know how old you are or what your resources are but I can name a few. Be a big brother or sister, help out at your local mission, take things you and your friends no longer need or use to a homeless shelter or to a battered women's home. Teach someone to read. Reading builds self esteem and words are powerful tools. Whatever you do don't give advice to someone if you really don't know the way yourself.
there are lots of people who need help out there, and it's not hard to help and elderly person with shopping, or even just letting them know someone cares. Read to sick children at your local hospital...... there are a few, it only takes time and willingness's and you seem to have that. God bless you for caring.
2006-11-28 23:09:34
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Any positive thing is a great way to "pay it forward" i love this, u must be a great person. I don't know if u ever seen the movie pay it forward but if u haven't u should it's a great movie and it will def make u cry!!!!! I love to do this as well one day i would love to have a huge business where i can change and help people's lives every single day. Thanks for paying it forward to people out there, u are wonderful!!!!!!!!!! Together along with everyone else out there who does this can and will def make a difference!!
2006-11-29 00:29:57
answer #2
answered by Christina 2
Call the local senior citizens center and offer to go make an older person who may not have family or friends have a brighter day. Maybe take them shopping, or make them a nice dinner, clean their house, just talk to them.
Sponsor a needy child for Christmas. You can contact the Salvation Army for wish lists of so many kids who would normally do without.
Hold fundraisers for women's shelters... Did you know that old cell phones can be turned in to them for reprogramming and redistribution? Having that phone may save a young woman. You could host a drop off point for people to bring them to you. (also for needed items such as toiletries, blankets, clothing diapers, formula and the list goes on and on)
Hope this helps. Have fun paying it forward.
2006-11-28 20:00:57
answer #3
answered by Jen 6
Practice random acts of kindness towards strangers, don't let the door slam on them when leaving a store, be patient of older people, we'll be there some day, their metabolism, and life functions are slowing down, must suck, I was in hurry last week, there was an old man struggling down the sidewalk with a cane, I read meters for a living, so I gotta move fast, I did a skip jump up the curb in front of him and pulled away, I looked back about a block later, he did'nt get very far, I felt so awful after I did that because, the man probably said to himself "I used to do that",.... I was rude :(
2006-11-28 19:51:29
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Let someone in a hurry get in front of you at the grocery line. Pay for someone's meal at a fast food drive thru. Open the door for an ailing person coming out of a parked car. Just do "random acts of kindness" that come to your mind.
2006-11-28 19:48:41
answer #5
answered by ginger13 4
Have you ever been in fast food place and paid for someones meal they ordered or the person behind you in a grocery store I think people would continue to pay it forward if they ever experienced that i know i did
2006-11-29 02:51:58
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Keep your eyes and ears open. You will see somebody that needs help - you don't know what it is going to be. When I see soemone struggling with a task I offer to help. It can be incredibly rewarding! I recently saw an older woman struggling to get her groceries (in the rain) from her car and into her home - I excused myself from my mother and ran across the parking lot to help. Not only did the woman appreciate it, she said the most incredible thing to me and it made my week! She looked up at me and said "I was praying for an angel and here you are". Oh, and my mother looked at me said that was really nice of you to help her - she was feeling good about it too.
2006-11-28 22:50:18
answer #7
answered by whome 3
If you see an elderly person gettin on the bus or train. Pay their fare.
2006-11-28 19:46:56
answer #8
answered by newyorkgal71 7