i would have left my spouse
2006-11-30 04:21:09
answer #1
answered by becky w 5
I would do absolutely nothing.
Though my life is far from perfect, I know that if I were to do something differently, it could drastically change the rest of my life. For example, if one day for breakfast, I choose to pour myself a glass of milk from the full jug instead orange juice from a near empty jug, I stand the chance of spilling on myself. I would have to change my clothes and I may end up arriving too late at school. Because of that tardy (it wouldn't be the first) I might be given a detention and maybe I'd meet someone in that detention. I could meet a bad guy who I befriend and maybe, over a long amount of time, get into drugs and alcahol, ruining my life so badly that I cease to exist before the five years are through. Or I could befriend a good guy, get involved in medical missions overseas in war torn lands and when on one of said missions, get shot. Or I could trip on the stairs on my way to the detention room and fall down and break my neck.
See all the changes that such a simple thing, spilt milk (litterally) can cause? If I were to change something five years ago, it could in turn change many other things eventually leading to early demise.
2006-11-29 00:48:45
answer #2
answered by Onion? 3
If i went back five years i would be back in high school so i wouldnt do it. However i would have loved to know half the stuff i know now 5 years ago.
Although maybe when im a bit older travelling back 5 years and reliving my youth will be ideal to me. Who knows...
2006-11-29 06:12:06
answer #3
answered by Vanilla_Bean 5
I would study my butt off in biology class. I would spend every last minute with my friend that moved away. I would break up with the guy I was dating at the time. I would be braver for the region oral interpretation contest. I would try to make more friends at my high school and go to a lot more parties.
2006-11-29 00:16:25
answer #4
answered by carmello777 1
Well, if I could go back 5 years in time what would I do? I woulden have got married, with out asking God frist. Also I would have been in church trying to help lost peolpe.
2006-11-29 01:36:50
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I don't know. I guess I would have gone back to school and studied to become a pharmacist. Now might be good to start, too, though. But I have a few other routine engagements that won't allow me to pursue that just yet.
Oh well, life goes on.
2006-11-29 00:15:06
answer #6
answered by denh 4
My wife went into surgery five years ago and died from complications. If I could go back I would have tests run before her surgery to find out what was wrong with her.
2006-11-29 00:18:16
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I think I will do exactly the same things as I did 5 years ago..
2006-11-29 02:05:40
answer #8
answered by charming_snow 1
I would give my best on my high school days, apply for a scholarship for college (I didn't know there was a scholarship service!) and not slack off at college so I could always be in the Dean's List.
2006-11-29 00:17:22
answer #9
answered by d.t. 2
Spend every waking moment with my mom and dad, letting them know how much they mean to me. Now their gone and I can't share that with them. Not that I didn't tell them all the time, but I was to busy working to make them proud of me, instead of just being with them in their last days.
2006-11-29 07:35:31
answer #10
answered by Pat O 1
Noooo! I don't want to go back to high school! I'd mope and hope I could come back to this time soon.
2006-11-29 00:14:22
answer #11
answered by i luv teh fishes 7