Well, Bob should stop doing the adultery. It is morally wrong.
2006-11-28 11:44:01
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Being a soldier for the past 13 years. I will tell you I am not surprised by this disrespectful behavior. I see it every day. The cats away the mice will play. I hope your friend relizes that if it comes out it could really affect the moral of the soldier. Moral in a time of war is really important. Having been deployed 2 times you sit everyday and think of home and hope that everything is alright. You can't wait to come home to your loved ones and be able to touch the woman you love again. You never think (well you think about it) but you hope that your wife or girlfriend is being faithful to you and hope that you will be wanted when you get home. Your friend is playing a dangerous game at someelses expense. Should that soldier find out than he could think about it all the time and lapse in judgement while on mission and get himself or someone else killed. Is it really worth all that destruction of someones life for a piece of trim. To the wife I say to you that you should have thought about the seperation and what affect it would have on you before marrying an American fighting man. I am 2 times divorced because of the affect the Army has had on my relationship. But if they do not stop they will face the piper when the soldier comes home. Alot of people think that their spouse will never know but someone knows and will tell the soldier. So I recommend to make the right judgement call and do what is right.
2006-11-28 12:36:22
answer #2
answered by sgtfanky 1
Your "friend" is a piece of garbage and and the soldiers wife/girlfriend is a piece of smegma. I hope for the soldiers sake that he doesn't get crapped on by this. Here he is doing his part to protect someone who would in turn do this to him. It always amazes me that this is so taken for granted by most people. Enlisted Soldiers, Sailors and Marines are often treated badly. Treated so by the very people they give the freedom to. The freedom to be anything they want, including a A-- hole. What a universe.
By the way: You really outta consider the true value of a "friend" who displays no character whatsoever. If this man has little or no integrity, why would you want to know him. There is an old saying "he who lies down with dogs, gets up with fleas"
2006-11-28 12:16:48
answer #3
answered by Last of four brothers 2
Bob better not also be in the Service... the UCMJ has a little crime in it called "Adultery" and he CAN do a rather long prison stretch for it if the Army was in the right mood.
I was in the Navy for 15 yrs, and my FIRST cruise after I got married... my darling bride proceeded to jump into bed with other guys. Needless to say I divorced her... and then the Navy filed Adultery charges against the "officer and gentlemen" who were frolicking with her... all discharged after a 1 year prison brig sentence.
Personally... I'd see that BOB has an accidental shotgun introduction to his genitalia.
2006-11-28 13:06:42
answer #4
answered by mariner31 7
Your friend and the woman are BOTH wrong. How noble that he's keeping the home fires burning. What a complete jerk. She, on the other hand, doesn't deserve to be married to someone with the character and integrity to defend his country. I hope they're both found out once the husband is out of harm's way. They should both be kicked to the curb.
2006-11-28 11:37:51
answer #5
answered by clarity 7
Welcome to capitalism a hundred and one. companies don’t care approximately you and in spite of in case you count on your interest, they care approximately making revenue and if meaning laying you off and outsourcing workers to a distinctive u . s . a . to keep a pair of dollars to enhance income, that's what they'll do. Nope, they gained't pass the reductions to the shoppers the two, this is finally us. additionally they'll lobby and whine till they get the tax advantages they seem for. yet it is the capitalistic gadget that usa loves, didn’t you be attentive to. If capitalism works so nicely how come purely .15 of one million % of the 6.8 Billion people in the international are multi-millionaires/billionaires. you may think of there'll be extra on account that fantastically much ninety % of the international prepare capitalism. nicely there is your answer. yet another be conscious for capitalism is noted as survival of the richest and their stunning to scratch to flesh to make a dollar. yet hi is all reliable, because of the fact is capitalism, there’s no longer something extra effectual than that. stunning?
2016-12-29 15:28:49
answer #6
answered by valaria 4
OK is this girl a wife or a girlfriend???? BIG DIFFERENCE here. Either way, it is completely disrespectful of the soldiers. Does the man in Iraq know? That is absolutly horrible, maybe on both parts!
2006-11-28 11:37:20
answer #7
answered by Pamela G 4
Something tells me that the soldier is going to get one more Confirmed Kill before this war is over.
2006-11-28 21:24:49
answer #8
answered by Jeff S. 2
It's wrong of him, but she's in the wrong too. I'd just tell "Bob" that guys in the military don't take too kindly to guys messin' with their wives... and he's better off finding someone who isn't already attached.
2006-11-28 14:19:43
answer #9
answered by Nicole 5
I hope Bob gets discovered and the husband of his lover "accidentally" calls in an airstrike on them while they're "messing around".
Littlefeather, woolybooger probably is "Bob".
2006-11-28 11:34:04
answer #10
answered by qwerty2143 2