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By Christmas, I will have dated this girl for almost 2 months.
We've been official for most of that.
I'm in college and on a limited budget (~$40) and am wondering what I something special I can get her for the holiday.
We're both college aged kids.
What can you suggest?

2006-11-28 04:59:00 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

12 answers

A nice soft, sexy sweater from Victoria's Secret. Girls get excited just seeing that lovely pink stripped bag/box. Plus she will have something to keep her warm when your not around. Happy Holidays!

2006-11-28 05:03:48 · answer #1 · answered by US Lisa 3 · 0 0

First thing, Do not over text her. She will get annoyed and if you keep telling her "TAKE ME BACK I LOVE YOU." Learn here https://tr.im/sJqAp

She will not want you even more. You need to show her that you don't need her and can live your life without her. She still cares about you I am sure. Maybe try "flirting" with other girls around her to make her jealous. I know its bad, but if i saw my ex flirting with someone else it would make me REALLY ANGRY. However, you still need to show her you care about her too. Show her what she's missing and remind her of it. Be confident and don't show your broken heart. Try ignoring her? Girls hate that. You want her to come to you. Once she does this YOU have all the power.

She will realize what you mean to her and she will hopefully come crawling back. (I am in the same situation as you, except I am the girl trying to get my ex back). Try not to be so clingy and give her space. But try to be around so she sees you, but don't talk to her much. Keep convos short and if you txt her, which you shouldn't, then also keep it short and bland. This will be hard to do because you just want to let her in your life again, but you can't. If you show her that you are desperate to get her back, she won't go for it. Make her come to you and REMIND her of all that she is missing out on. Hope this helps. And trust me, I know how you feel. Girls usually come around easier than guys so you should be lucky. ughh wish i could say the same.

2016-07-20 02:47:19 · answer #2 · answered by Thomas 3 · 0 0

Give her a nice card with a bracelet. You can go to Ross and get a cheap one or look in the Avon book. Whatever you do, don't get her perfume because its not that serious. Sing to her and dress in an elf suit that would be awesome and funny at the same time!

2006-11-28 05:01:57 · answer #3 · answered by Careatha 3 · 0 0

Want to know how to get your ex back? Change yourself. Don't worry about changing other people, worry about changing yourself. Go to https://tr.im/Jotgr

Once you do that then you can start to worry about getting back together with your ex, other wise you will find that you are fighting about all the same things and getting no where. Do what it takes and I promise things will work out in your favor.

The funny thing is I came to the realization that I had to change a little too late. After I was kicked out and after I was about to lose the only things that truly mattered to me - her love. A funny thing happens when we truly love someone and lose them. We do what ever it takes to get them back. For me I had to drop bad habits that had caused not only our relationship to sour but practically every other relationship I had had in the past. Not only with women, but with friends, co-workers, family, you name it.

Which is why I say to you as my ex at the time said to me, the only thing you can do is change yourself. Work on yourself and improve on the person that you already are. Drop the negative things in your life that don't belong there and you will see all of your relationships start to take off to new heights.

2016-04-24 18:28:11 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Treasure hunt... (initiate early) 1st end: Medi/Pedi - 2d end: Hair salon - third end: present card for one fairly outfit at her well known shop - 4th end: Dinner with you in in spite of the indisputable fact that you both commonly positioned on out... So if she desires to shopp for something casual, positioned that on the cardboard so as that she would not purchase a dress. when you're going fancy then ascertain you observe that on the cardboard and also you dress up to boot. sturdy success! this can easily be extra of an anniversary present yet i love the perception of it.

2016-11-27 19:17:23 · answer #5 · answered by lymus 3 · 0 0

Dump her before the holiday so you can save money then get back with her by new years eve so you'll have a date. Remember to dump her again before Valentines day. This probably isn't the answer you were looking for was it?

2006-11-28 05:04:27 · answer #6 · answered by jacquie 6 · 0 1

Why dont you ask her what she'd like? If you dont want to do that, then you could always give her a gift card.

2006-11-28 05:02:32 · answer #7 · answered by packerswes4 5 · 0 0

take her out somewhere, im sure shed rather spend quality time than receive a cheap present

2006-11-28 05:01:35 · answer #8 · answered by Mr. Dizzle 2 · 0 0

Clothing. Buy her a sweater or blanket.

2006-11-28 05:02:25 · answer #9 · answered by ropemancometh 5 · 0 0

the new album of her fav band? or a box set of one her favorite tv shows?

2006-11-28 05:02:50 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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