There are a lot of different theories. But the reason Bush himself gives is that Iraq and the "Axis of Evil" are a threat to American safety, either by hiding terrorists, supporting terrorists, or making weapons of mass destruction (WMD)
Many claim there are other reasons though, including for resources (oil) and for power and control in the Middle East region.
2006-11-28 16:19:08
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It is my firm belief that a primary motivation for Bush wanting to invade Iraq has to do with the assassination attempt, by Saddam, against his father.
He had plans to invade Iraq, well before 9/11, he ignored significant intel saying Iraq had no WMD, he ignored intel that said there was no terrorists operating out of Iraq.
Now we are there and turning it into a terrorist breeding ground, and we have no way of getting out without making things worse.
Oil has been used as a reason, but we could have gotten more and cheaper oil by removing sanctions against Saddam. Invading didn't make it free, we would have still had to pay whatever Government was in place for the oil, given the entire world was watching.
On the other hand, I feel the invasion of Afghanistan was completely warranted.
2006-11-28 04:35:40
answer #2
answered by Radagast97 6
Bad intelligence on WMD in Iraq which all the Republicans and Democrats believed was true. We are not there for oil. The US has plenty of oil. They are still finding new sources of oil in Texas and Utah and Lord knows where else. I don't know of any other resources Iraq has other than dirt and sand. We are still there now because both Democrats and Republicans are reluctant to get out and leave things the way they are now.
I don't think I have the patience to explain Afghanstan. Get on the internet and look it up.
2006-11-28 04:15:37
answer #3
answered by JudiBug 5
i'll't declare to carry close what Bush believes God instructed him or did not tell him. yet there have been lies instructed through the Allied leaders, Bush, Blair and Howard. i imagine the conflict in Iraq is a mistake, and the conflict in Afghanistan. i imagine some human beings have made an fairly good quantity of money from those wars. I imagine that peace is way less worthwhile for those few those who carry such places of means. i believe in freedom, yet no longer secure through a state or Authority over us, in the journey that they look after it it ability they be able to structure it, to regulate it, to eliminate it. I dare to argue that freedom is an inner project of a human no longer purely a collection of values that is reportedly less than attack through 'Them thar Terrorists' the entire faceless chance which hides in undeniable view isn't there. besides the actual undeniable actuality that conspiracy theories about 911 are growing worry-free position, i might want to urge human beings to imagine about the tens of millions of Iraqi those who've been slain because the invasion. Boraden the time period relations to comprise each and every person on earth fairly than purely 'Our squaddies' and devoid of note each and every thing looks very very diverse. might want to it were a better ideal idea to spend 0.5 of the money which has been spent on killing, on help to those international places. to teach those human beings and the international that The Allied forces are not from now on out for what thye can thieve yet are prepared to achieve out with compassion? Oh I forgot about the oil.
2016-10-07 22:03:57
answer #4
answered by ? 4
for control of resources in that region.
so that he and his friends can get oil and other resources easier when they want them.
to make money.
to give people he knows contracts to rebuild the countries destroyed by war. Like **** Cheney's "old" company, Haliburton, rebuilding all the infrastructure, pipe lines, heck, even doing laundry, I believe. They get lots of money for building things again and providing services.
it's complicated. but it's about money. it always is. This is the way that you keep pumping up an economy that is going downhill. War generates wealth from some people. You can see it throughout history. See the Civil war, WWI, WWII, the Cold War.
2006-11-28 03:18:15
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Goo goo muswims want to bwow you up widdle baby waby and amerwicans twy to pway wowld powice even tho nobody wikes us when we do dat.
Dumbed down enough for you?
2006-11-28 03:18:41
answer #6
answered by Goose&Tonic 6
baby bush decided he wanted to get back at Iraq because when his daddy was in power Sadam made a very tiny attempt to kill daddy.
Bush decided that if we were going to go to Afganastan then that is right in the same neck of the woods as Iraq and he was going to go after Iraq because "they tried to kill my daddy".
Bush is as war with most of the world in his own brain and we can only pray that it stays in his brain and doesnt spill out all over the world
2006-11-28 03:17:29
answer #7
answered by spider 3
So daddy can put some gas in the car, sweety ;-)
2006-11-30 08:13:07
answer #8
answered by Signore F 2
because he is a war monger.his dad was involved with the gulf war and bush is simply carrying on the trend.its all about oil my friend.america have none,they have used most of it and they are runing out of other resources also so its only a matter of time before they are waging war on other countries.i hate bush,clinton was much better and i hope hilary clinton gets in next time,she will look after the country.
2006-11-28 03:15:23
answer #9
answered by jumpy789 1
what the third guy said
2006-11-29 23:57:56
answer #10
answered by Xenadil 2