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How hard is it to get off a crown thats been on for a few months? will it damage an otherwise fine tooth?

2006-11-27 14:26:49 · 3 answers · asked by Lynn 1 in Health Dental

3 answers

If ur Crown has already been cementated, then keep in mind that its on there really well and the only way to make it come out is by pulling ur entire tooth out. If this is a temporal Crown, then ur Fine. I Dont think any of ur other teeth Will be damaged, but i do have to tell you that this will be a long and hurtfull process. I have 4 crowns and i try not to chew on hard things only because of my fear to having to replace one. My Dad is A Orthodontist and well i have pretty much seen the worst. Now Depending on were ur crown is chipped, is how you would know if its urgent to change the Crown. If it is were ur tooth can continue to decay, then its a good idea you do. If you got this Crown because of a root canal, then Dont stress it that much (ur tooth is already dead!!!) Its only convinient because it can continue chipping. DONT CHEW ON HARD THINGS!!!! Good Luck ....

2006-11-27 14:49:12 · answer #1 · answered by Iwonderwhy 1 · 0 0

not hard at all....just cut thru it 'til reaching the orig. tooth structure. Then it should fall riight off. There are also special tools to pry them off. Assuming the tooth is in decent shape to START with,this should have no ill effects on the tooth.

No pain (tho' if it were me i'd want to be numb first just in case)

lastly, i'm hping you're not paying for a new crown, as it shoudl last more than a couple months.

2006-11-27 15:17:59 · answer #2 · answered by drswansondds 4 · 0 0

if its chipped then you need to replace it, there shouldn't be any problems.

2006-11-27 14:48:19 · answer #3 · answered by Larissa D 3 · 0 0

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