Leave her/him alone. If they're meant to be found, they will be. I believe the status of desertion is marked on every public record the person may have, so it'll come up if they get stopped for a traffic violation, any time they want to get a loan, apply for school, a credit card, a job . . . eventually, these things usually work themselves out.
Besides, I'm sure the people over there don't want someone there who doesn't want to be there. It's dangerous.
2006-11-27 15:19:16
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
If someone is a deserter from the military, there will be a federal warrant for their arrest, and this would show up on a standard background check. Contact your local police or sherrif's department, many of them will perform a criminal background check for a small processing fee (I know my county's sherrif's office does it for 25 dollars, and it usually takes about a week). You can also contact the FBI, or your state's Bureau of Investigations.
2006-12-01 10:40:05
answer #2
answered by The_moondog 4
I give up, ask him!
We seem to be nosy on here. I would not show you my DD anything. And recruiters do not know everything & they do not want to. Their job is to recruit not waste time looking up deserter information. The military have people looking for deserters & have not asked for civilian help.
2006-11-27 14:38:34
answer #3
answered by Wolfpacker 6
Ask them for their DD214. If you have their name and date of birth, you can call the nearest army base and ask for the Criminal Investigation Division (CID).
Or send me their name/dob/current address.
2006-11-27 14:19:33
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
The pentagon has a people finder and they should be able to tell you.
2006-11-27 14:17:48
answer #5
answered by Reba K 6
call your local recruter
2006-11-27 14:28:16
answer #6
answered by Anonymous