At least for men it is. First of all, it's on a Thursday. That means most people get FRIDAY off too. Even if you don't, if you have to work you just do it halfass and complain about why you have to work that day. So pretty much a four day weekend for most people. Second, there is football. Wonderful, football. And that football is pretty much all day and night. OK, so you have to watch the Lions lose. But it's still fun. Then there is beer. Yummy, delicious beer while you watch football. Guys get to sit on the couch, drink beer and watch football while the women cook. Then you get to gorge yourself on tons of food. The turkey makes you sleepy and you get to pass out on the couch, either from the alcohol or the triptophyn (sic?) and it is acceptable. It's the only holdiay where you don;t have to buy anything for anybody, except maybe some beer. Also, Thanksgiving is the only holdiay where you don;t have to decorate sh!t. No lights no gifts. Beer. Football. What say you?
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