i used to be a firm believer that it was not possible....but after i went out with my current b/f a few times I knew he was the one. we have been together a short time and trying our best to take things slow and follow our "rules" that we set...but so far we have broke them all! we have already talked about kids, moving in together and marriage...but we are also at a point in our lives where we know what we want.
2006-11-27 08:29:49
answer #1
answered by Get_R_Done_n_Dallas 3
I dont think so, people nowadays use the word Love so loosly. You can be in lust with someone but honestly I dont think in Love. You barely know a person after three dates let alone three years. So I say take your time.
2006-11-27 16:37:25
answer #2
answered by inquisitor1125 3
My brother met this girl and told her "You will be in love with me in 3 days" and you know what? They've been married for 5 years now and have 2 beautiful children. So I say that you never know what's coming your way.
2006-11-27 16:39:40
answer #3
answered by Dr. Kat 5
u can fall in love from the first sight too.yes i believe
2006-11-27 16:34:46
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I don't believe it for myself. It's not happened for the past 37 years of my age and I don't think so it would happen.
2006-11-27 16:28:08
answer #5
answered by MarMar 1
Probably very infatuated and hopeful but that's not love.
2006-11-27 16:29:43
answer #6
answered by loveknows 5