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Okay, I am asking this here because it is related to the guy I like. I've never done drugs.

Is it true that drugs like X and pot can alter your personality to where you are mean to people you care about and you don't mean to be?

2006-11-27 08:19:15 · 34 answers · asked by Mintygoodness1 4 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

I'm just asking. It's not like he is violent or anything, he can just be really mean one second and sweet the next. Just trying to figure him out..

2006-11-27 08:25:11 · update #1

Okay, NOT abusive. He just says mean, hurtful things. It's not even to me most of the time, it can be to his friends or family. I am not looking for an excuse, I am just trying to figure out what exactly is going on.

2006-11-27 08:34:18 · update #2

34 answers

Well, not pot. It makes you lethargic and hungry, but rarely mean. and x is totally different. while on it, they should be very kind.
coming off of it can be a bit depressing.
meth would make people do things they normally dont do, and that could mean so many thigngs.
alcohol is wayy worse than pot though.

2006-11-27 08:21:57 · answer #1 · answered by cici 5 · 1 0

Yes! People who smoke pot often will be very grouchy and mean when they are not high. They are mellow when they are but when they are not they sometimes become angry and a little violent at times. I have no experience with Ecstasy so I can not tell you about that drug.
I would suggest if you do not use drugs don't waste your mind starting. Pot is funny at first and you laugh and all that. It is not addictive but it does have withdrawal symptoms. It also is very bad on your lungs. That is why you see all the baby boomers with asthma.Now they sit and puff on inhalers instead of the bong pipe. The resins on a bong pipe will crack it in two. Pot makes you lazy and stupid. If you want to be lazy and stupid then yea that's great. Later you will have to wake up and try to play catchup with the rest of the world.
The mean attitude comes from pot withdrawls. When he smokes again he is ok. Once he quits totally he may be fine. Marijuana is a Psychotropic much like Prozac and Wellbutrin. These help with depression and when comming off of them you need to weine yourself off them. An imediate stop will make a person behave badly. In an angy way. If you do not have depression and you use a drug like pot then the result will be that you cause a depression when you stop using it. In men the signs of depression are often anger and rage. I experienced this personaly and I learned . I don't smoke pot nor do I want to. I haven't smoked in 20 years or more. It also causes sinus problems due pollen allergies.

2006-11-27 08:27:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Yes, sometimes people can't handle the drug or constantly need it and can be mean. But for most part people that do pot are relaxed and ecstasy users vary. Anyways any sort of drug is usually illegal and is an escape by the person that uses it and they may need more help than you think. Take care!

2006-11-27 08:32:22 · answer #3 · answered by Geoffrey 1 · 0 0

do not even touch X it is real bad, an don't let anyone tell you different...
and for pot, it makes you lazy, makes you not want to achieve better things, makes you want to eat a lot more...
any drug like coke, pot, heroin, X taken for a long period of time, does change minute things deep inside of your DNA that you would give to your children. this has been proven many time in years past.
and even if you stop using your bodies make up has changed ever so little ..but it has changed and never will go back. the studies say they do not know if these changes will do anything to your child or your grandchild or even wait until your great-grandchild to make a problem from heart trouble to malformed bodies to brain problems...and the study also doe snot know if it will affect every one who has children, but they do know it does change everyone who uses drugs
why take the chance ?

good luck

2006-11-28 12:21:28 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Alright, first of all, if he is being mean it is possibly due to a decrease in serotonin levels due to mdma use depending on how often he does it. This would fall into the category of depression, which is somewhat common after heavy mdma use.

However, it could maybe be a deeper rooted problem such as some sort of bi-polar disorder that has been surfaced due to the use of psychedelics.

I don't know, try talkin to him maybe? Because if he is using mdma and puffin herb and he's still being mean then maybe he's just an asshole.

2006-11-28 01:07:09 · answer #5 · answered by eons203 1 · 2 0

This will have a Dr Phil ring to it I'm afraid. Girl, if the man is abusive and doing drugs, he is responsible for his actions and you are looking for a way to let it go and excuse him from responsibility. You deserve better than this and the sooner you withdraw from this toxic relationship, the sooner you can heal and move on to a healthy relationship. There is no excuse for abuse, ever! He chooses to do the drugs and you are CHOOSING to allow the abuse. I hope you reconsider. His lack of control of his actions is not beyond his control, he could avoid the abuse by giving up the drugs.

2006-11-27 08:31:39 · answer #6 · answered by Joel Wadsworth 2 · 2 0

Depends on the abuse level. Someone who does it once a year, no. Someone who does a lot on the weekends or whatever, yes. Most drugs are downers and combined with being up all night on a high, becoming addicted, etc...all have something to do with personality and what's going to take place with the psyche.

2006-11-27 08:26:03 · answer #7 · answered by Dr. Kat 5 · 0 0

u shudnt even let him do drugs.
yes, x is a love drug but it could cause depression and some sort of madness (like u just want to fight with somebody) days after taking it. so yes, it could really alter your personality. stay away from people doing this. :) they may not mean what theyre doing but they certainly cant help it. take care!

2006-11-30 21:58:34 · answer #8 · answered by cat 1 · 0 0

it is true drugs can & do altar peoples personalities but as far as pot gos i don't agree and from what i've heard x is supposed to be a love drug. allthough the come down off of x can bring out bitter, angry, or mean tendonseys

2006-11-27 08:28:18 · answer #9 · answered by MARIAH R 1 · 0 0

Yes they can just stay away from him because they will also conflict with any life goals to acheicve for because he will be more interestd in the drugs verus having things in life like clean records homes cars stable jobs etc.

2006-11-27 08:25:56 · answer #10 · answered by lake living 5 · 0 0

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