dream man? well, he would have to be attractive to me, straight teeth, cute butt, a lil muscle and hair on the chest. clean cut too. facial hair is great but keep it clean. also, be honest and hard working, it doesn't matter what they make just if they make it honestly. and they would have to be a loving father who would work w/you on raising kids. great in the bedroom too. sweet, kind, considerate, understanding.......wait, i've found him. now to hang on to him! :)
2006-11-27 07:48:42
answer #1
answered by cupid6980 2
He would be 6'3, 250 lbs. he would be a very beautiful chocolate brown man with beautifully thick and wavy hair. He would have been raised in a church by both parents. He would respect his mother, and believe in a strong family bond. He would treat me like a princess! I mean, flowers at work, lunch at work together, pick me up and take me to (if necessary) to work. Rub my feet and back without me having to ask first. Showering me with compliments and being overall romantic and loving. He would be wealthy, and take me shopping once a month and he would make sure I never wanted for anything! He would be something that made him happy and successful. He would support me in having children, as many as I want, and he would love to adopt them as well. He would be an excellent father and husband. We would spend family time together and take regular vacations.
2006-11-27 07:55:30
answer #2
answered by shondak 3
My dream man would be 6'2", tan, hot body (including a 6-pack and a cute butt), blue or green eyes, dark hair, dimples, and a sexy smile.
He would treat me like the sexy goddess that I am and spoil me in love, kisses and anything else that I want!
His profession would be a baseball player (because they're hot) or a sexy musician so he could sing to me all night long.
He must be good with kids and he must love practicing making babies ;)
2006-11-27 07:50:26
answer #3
answered by Blondie4u 1
well i will jus describe this guy that i kno b/c he seems perfect to me. He is sweet, totaly adorable, nice, he is probably going to be in some band as either a drummer or a guitarist. i think he should act tha same around the girl as he does around his friends. If he is sweet to the girl then he would probably be a nice, sweet father too.
2006-11-27 08:22:15
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
my dream man has been my man for years now. he is short kind of chunky, very handsome, smells good all the time, is a gentlemen, and loves being romantic to me. he showers me with gifts all the time, is there when i need him, he is a mechanic, no matter what profession he is in, i will always love him. he has to be good with the kids, love them, but, not spoil them too much! haha that is my dream man!
2006-11-27 07:48:58
answer #5
answered by LoveBug 2
a million. Tom Kaulitz 2. Billie Joe Armstrong (the age difference and the spouse would get in the way...) 3.Mikey way 4.Michael Cera (yeah...I also have a factor for dorks) 5.OH! yeah heath ledger exchange into attractive (R.I.P)
2016-10-04 10:41:32
answer #6
answered by ? 4
Christiano Ronaldo.
2006-11-27 07:49:03
answer #7
answered by K 3
A gentlemen,sweet,caring,tender,tough.
2006-11-27 07:47:35
answer #8
answered by dersexy 1
taller than me. blue eyes. brown hair. any prof. as long as he works. he will be there when i need him and he'll give me space when i need it. he has to have parenting skills. he has to be home at night. he can have friends overany time as long as he asks. he has to be pollite. and he has to love me
2006-11-27 07:50:49
answer #9
answered by snailmonkey2 1
the perfect man for any woman should be the one who loves her with all his heart
and thats all that really matters anyway
2006-11-27 12:34:33
answer #10
answered by Neha S 3