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We are in Chapter 13 (filed six months BEFORE Katrina) and had insufficient insurance for our damages. We don't qualify for ANY loans of any type because of our Chapter 13. We didn't qualify for Federal or State help because we had "some" insurance (the money helped pay for our living expenses and removed the 180 foot tree (but NOT the trunk--that was another $800 dollars) off our cars and out of the building...Eighteen months later, we have one-third of our (2100 square feet) building still GONE (including the 4th wall, roof section, etc.), gaping open to all (we've been robbed twice), and leaning several degrees on two different axis/directions. We desperately need HELP (building materials and labor) to repair/save our building. We are in our mid- fifties and this isn't a job my husband and I can do, even if we had the materials. Any help is GREATLY APPRECIATED!!! Thank you and God Bless!

2006-11-27 07:10:46 · 3 answers · asked by karlaweiss100 1 in Society & Culture Community Service

3 answers

Although I did not go though Katrina (I live in Michigan), I know what you are talking about when you say you do not have the $$ to do the things you need to do. I've been unemployed for 4 years and live off of change. However, I would use this time to be innovative. Although I cannot see the damage that has been done to your property, I would almost bet that you and your husband could still find some places that need to be torn down and are awaiting a wrecking ball.

I would go to those places and ask if I could have the lumber that they would be getting rid of. I would haul it piece by piece if I had to, in order to get it to my location. Once I had the lumber, I'd begin taking inventory of the various sizes I have and put them in groups. If the walls at your location need bracing before they could be reconstructed, then I would use the longest pieces for that. I would also find then all the drywall that has been cast away, that had not been soaked and collect them also. Even if you need to cut them into squares, you can reconstruct with it as long as you have everything cut evenly so that it can be butted together and nailed onto the walls, then tapped. You would, however, have to purchase insulation, but that cost could be minimal if you look in the right places. Discount outlets, mostly, or even some Walmart and Kmart carries these building materials. Who says that everything has to be the most superior quality when rebuilding?

These are the places where I would start. Even if I thought I could not handle it myself, when there is no money to fall back on, I would make every single attempt to fix it myself. Maybe you could gather friends and neighbors or even family members to assist you. Even small groups can be helpful and may have informatin that will assist you in regaining at least a portion of what you've lost.

I feel so badly for you and my heart is sad. I know what it is like because my first husband and I had filed bankruptcy as well, and we had two little ones at the time. But we made it by being innovative and creative and with prayer you can as well. My prayers and thoughts are with you in your time of rebuilding and I sincerely wish for you all of the best. I would also love to come and help you rebuild, but I'm so poor myself I had to leave college because I don't have money for another tank of gas. I'm saving the 1/8 th. tank I have left to take a test with the county for a job. I'm praying for that.

God Bless and best of luck to you. I'm sorry I can't be more help, but IF you can, maybe get a request to HGTV and 'restore America' and maybe they can help.

2006-11-27 07:34:54 · answer #1 · answered by chole_24 5 · 0 0

Contact your local Habitat for Humanity, or the national organization. You may also contact local churches, as many of them are participating in relief efforts.

2006-11-27 08:09:26 · answer #2 · answered by red 1 · 0 0

Get Religious and expect somthing better for your lives than mortal rescue.

2006-11-27 07:24:17 · answer #3 · answered by racer123 5 · 0 0

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