Crunches-there are so many variations. Start out with your feet on the floor, keeping your lower back as close to the floor as possible(don't arch), support your head with your hands but don't interlock your fingers, keeping your chin pointing upwards towards the ceiling; when you start to feel the burn is when it's reshaping your muscles. From there, you can raise your legs, cross them and bring your elbow to opposite knee, this will shape the sides of your waist; again, when it starts to 'burn' it's reshaping, so work up your repetitions beyond the burn-point.
For deeper toning; lay flat on your back, hands supporting your head, and bring one knee to opposite elbow, keeping both legs off the floor(like bicycling).
When you are finished doing crunches, relax your muscles. Bring your knees into your chest and hold them there. While laying flat on your back, bring your legs over to the right side to stretch, then over to the left side to stretch.
Other tips are; when standing during the day, make a conscious effort to hold in your tummy for eight seconds, which has been shown to be the equivalent of one sit-up.
Drinking water is good, but drinking too much water can also be bad for you-leading to water retention. So go by how you feel.
Foods to eat; your body will naturally crave more carbohydrates-the more energy you expend, the more your body will 'crave' to replace it. Stick to complex carbohyrates, a link to a list is below.
Don't radically change your diet, instead keep eating the things you know are good for you, switching each product to one that is labeled 'low fat'. Don't start cutting calories and changing your diet right away(at the same time) when you've only begun exercising. Your body needs time to adjust to it's new demands.
Eliminate all sugary foods and drinks-candy bars, sodas(even 'diet). High fiber, low-fat diets generally promote weight loss.
Some foods rich in fiber are apples, bananas, barley, dry beans, berries, wheat bran, bread, brown rice, brussels sprouts, carrots, cereals-ready to eat(All-Bran, Bran Buds, Bran Chex, Crunchy Bran, Grape-Nuts, Nutri-Grain, Shredded wheat, Wheat Chex), chick-peas, cowpeas, figs, greens, millet, papaya, parsnips, pears, peas, plaintain, potatoes, prunes, pumpkin, winter squash.
If you drink milk, skip the whole milk to non-fat, 1 or 2 percent. Whole milk has so much fat, that it outweighs the benefits of drinking it.
Take it slow, and good luck!
2006-11-27 06:41:19
answer #1
answered by Little Jeannie 4
You just need to do it! What other options do you have? Sit at home and watch TV? It's pretty much sink or swim, and that's how you have to see it too.
Even though your health has not been effected by this weight problem yet, it won't be long before it takes its toll. How many healthy, overweight, 40 year old women have you seen? Not many, right? Those who are, I can assure you, are not happy about it!
Tell yourself you have no other do not have a choice in this matter. Instead of saying "I wish I was motivated to go to the gym" you say "I wish I wanted to go to the gym, but now I've gotta drag myself in there, even though I don't want to go".
Soon living a healthy lifestyle will become like second nature, and you won't have to think about if you're enjoying it or not, you'll just do it.
Supplements are good for motivation too. I like Lipofemme because its herbal, and doesn't have any side effects. It's a good fat burner, and will give you a good head start. You can get it at or
2006-11-27 06:51:56
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Hi, Are you serious about losing weight & toning up? Then I can help you!! I have been a personal trainer & a bodybuilder for 25 years. I just had one client lose 95 lbs. and tone right up. I have developed an awesome, proven, easy to follow diet & exercise program that will help you achieve your goals. Take this opportunity like many 100’s have done. I can offer my plan to you for only $20.00 US. I will accept Paypal, money orders and cash. And I am David Price, 2177 6th Ave., Trail, BC, Canada, V1R3B8
Please include your age, height, weight and what you want to achieve. I will also offer to follow your progress via messenger or e-mail. I look forward to hearing from you. If you have any question please contact me at
David Price
2006-11-27 06:44:10
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
wished u lived near me...u need a friend that will keep u interested and vice-verse. do this: on the days that u really don't feel like exercising, instead, promise yourself to do only 10 minutes....just 10 minutes. walking is the best and the least hazardous on your joints. but do 10 minutes of anything!! let me know what happens...o.k. try grilling and/or baking and avoid heavy fried foods. i've heard this before, but, its hard for your body to rid itself of all that fat and it definitely interferes with you body's ability to detoxify/eliminate. therefore, not allowing your body to rid itself of excess fluid/gas (bloating). make a life change, you are going to have to sooner or later. be an inspiration to others. whether its for vanity or health. u can't go wrong..eating right and exercising....good luck!!!
2006-11-27 06:12:48
answer #4
answered by REALLY 5
Head out to your favourite store ... purchase the greatest new outfit you can afford, in the size that you want to be...and stick it on a dress makers mannequin or just a hanger in plain site of you every day...this in itself should be a good deal of motivation, particularly if you've laid down a nice chunk of change for it. It's better yet when you have an occasion for which you want to wear that outfit...
Good luck!
2006-11-27 06:01:59
answer #5
answered by dustiiart 5
Well, I was 198 pounds(fat as hell) and now I weigh 175. And I used to get around other people and feel discouraged........But I found someone to exercise with me. I dare you to try that! Have someone there with you EVERYTIME you exercise to motivate you and keep you going so that your not alone!
2006-11-27 05:59:24
answer #6
answered by redbone 3
I've read that eating celery burns more calories than it has in it. Eat a lot of fiber too, which will help keep everything in your stomach and digestive tract moving along. (Bran flakes, bran muffins, hot oatmeal, etc)
2006-11-27 05:58:45
answer #7
answered by sam 3