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I would prefer a recipe that makes a tender cookie versus a crunchie one. Thank you!

2006-11-27 05:35:04 · 3 answers · asked by ? 6 in Food & Drink Cooking & Recipes

3 answers

From her picture cook book, 1955 Betty Crocker

Serves/Makes:6 dozen approx.

1 cup (225 ml) soft butter
2/3 cup (150 ml) sugar
3 egg yolks
1 tsp (5 ml). flavoring (almond or vanilla)OR 1/4 cup (60 ml) grated almonds
2-1/2 cups (600 ml) sifted GOLD MEDAL flour
Preheat oven to 400 degrees (200 C.).
Mix thoroughly butter, sugar, egg yolks and flavoring (or grated almonds).
Work flour in with hands.
Force the dough through cookie press onto ungreased cookie sheet in letter "S" shape, rosettes, fluted bars, or other desired shapes.
Bake until set, but not brown, 7 to 10 minutes.
For chocolate spritz, follow the recipe above except blend into the butter mixture 2 squares (2 oz.) unsweetened chocolate, melted.
I have made these every year and find they are very tender and my family loves them

2006-11-27 06:07:42 · answer #1 · answered by cuno's mom 3 · 0 0

Spritz Cookies

2 1/4 C. Sifted Flour
3/4 C. Sugar
1/2 Teasp. Salt
1/4 Teasp. Baking Powder
1 C. Shortening
1 Egg
1 Teasp. Vanilla

Sift dry ingred., cut in shortening until it resembles a pie crust. (But not as coarse.) Measure egg in a 1/4 C. measuring cup, if the cup is not full then add water to fill it. Add egg/water and vanilla to mixture. Beat well. Use spritzer to make shapes, bake cookes 5-7 min. at 375 degrees. Watch them carefully!!

This is a family recipe, my Grandma and Mom made/make this at Christmas! You can top the cookies (before baking) with colored sugar and decorations for the Season.

2006-11-27 06:18:26 · answer #2 · answered by K 3 · 0 0

spritz cookies are always kind of cruchy...it is the nature of the dough.

2006-11-27 08:39:32 · answer #3 · answered by Lisa H 7 · 0 0

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