Codeine is a weak opiate agonist in the Central Nervous System., which is converted in the body to morphine. Opiates do not alter the pain threshold , instead pain control is achieved through changes in the perception of pain at the spinal cord and higher levels in the Central Nervous System. As with all opiates, people report strange dreams and nightmares, but the exact reason for it is not clearly understood. Common side effects include suppression of the sensation of and emotional response to pain, euphoria, drowsiness, lethargy, relaxation, dizziness, difficulty in concentrating, decreased physical activity in some users and increased physical activity in others, mild anxiety or fear, nervousness or restlessness, pupillary constriction (pinpoint pupils), confusion, blurred vision, impaired night vision, hallucinations (eg 'corner-eye' hallucinations, seeing 'spiders' and 'bugs'), and suppression of cough reflex. The side effects are more likely at higher dosages, but many people report odd dreams at lower ones.
Taking codeine previously without problems doesn't mean it won't ever happen, and a bad experience with it once doesn't mean it will happen again. That is the odd thing about the drug, and one long associated with opiate use. There is no way to predict from one time to another what the side effects will be. No one can give you a clear explaination of why the disturbances occur, other than the drug disturbs the normal function of the entire brain- probably due to it acting at the base of the brain where all input arrives. As well as controlling what is getting to the brain, it also alters what is actually allowed through. Codeine, and other opiates, chemically cut the brain off from the rest of the body in many ways- and brains don't act right when the sensory input is altered. Experiments which dealt with various forms of sensory deprivation have already shown that the brain will hallucinate and create surreal perceptions in these conditions. So a drug which creates that same sort of effect would also be likely to stimulate the same type response.
2006-11-26 22:20:53
answer #2
answered by The mom 7
Because of the chemical reaction with your stomach acids.It should always be taken before or after a meal
2006-11-26 22:12:18
answer #3
answered by D8411 5
because codine upsets your stomach, it should always be taken w/food
2006-11-26 21:37:26
answer #4
answered by Anonymous