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2006-11-26 11:07:45 · 10 answers · asked by lincolngomes301 2 in Society & Culture Community Service

10 answers

It is money that can only be used to buy food.

2006-11-26 11:09:19 · answer #1 · answered by conundrum_dragon 7 · 1 0

A food stamp is a voucher issued by the dept of agriculture. They are used by low income families to purchase food items. They can only be used at a supermarkets not at restaurants. To reduce the fraud that has been associated with food stamps in the past, they are now issued in the form of an ebt (electronic benefits transfer) card, used much like a debit card. In the past the paper food-stamps could be sold for cash at a rate of 50-70 cents on the dollar. For example a person could sell $100 worth of food stamps for $50-$70. With this new ebt card, fraud has been greatly reduced. When used properly the food-stamp program provides food for the working class poor who otherwise would not be able to afford nutritious meals. When abused, however, the program causes stress to the US economy and stigmatizes the people who really do need the program.

2006-11-29 09:23:28 · answer #2 · answered by Sugar Plum Fairy 3 · 0 0

Food stamps are what low income families receive as help to buy food. You have to go through The Department of Public Welfare to receive them. They go by your income and how many are in a familiy. There are different guide lines according to family size. Like a family of 5 would receive more food stamps than a family of 2. And of course the income may be different between the two families. Usually single parents can receive them. According to there income.

2006-11-26 11:45:13 · answer #3 · answered by Cheryl K 2 · 2 0

Food stamps help low-income people to buy food. But the government definition of food is anything edible, which includes sugary soda, potato chips, ice cream, and cake. The definition should be nutritious food and exclude all the garbage food.

2006-11-26 16:33:16 · answer #4 · answered by Steve R 6 · 0 0

It is a food voucher like money in different denominations and it is used to help people out such as disabled and cannot work cannot find a job and have kids to take care of. You have to apply for it at any Dept, of Social and Health Services to see if you qualify. If you do you get food stamps once a month. And there are certain things you cannot buy with it such as alcohol, smokes.

2006-11-26 11:19:18 · answer #5 · answered by hugh_laur 2 · 2 1

Food Stamps are for those who cannot buy food with the money they have so the gov. gives them a card (like a debit card) and when they go to a supermarket or a place that accepts food stamps, they can buy food. The gov. determines the amount that they have on the card each month (ex: $250 a month for food only). I worked at Dollar General and they could have me scan a loaf of bread, soda, flour, a toy, gum, and chips and the card would take off tax for the food items and 'pay' for the food items and have the bill left for the toy. Unfortunately many people use the food stamps when they don't need them.

2006-11-26 11:17:53 · answer #6 · answered by Lucy 1 · 4 4

In Kansas they have a card instead of stamps. This card lets people purchase certain items (bread, milk, meat, etc) to help maintain a healthy diet. It is to encourage people on this program not to purchase items that are bad for them. The program is for low income families.

2006-11-29 01:45:01 · answer #7 · answered by Jennifer B 2 · 0 0

food stamps are a service for families that need extra help to buy food.( for low income families.)

2006-11-26 14:33:48 · answer #8 · answered by yp_kim_hollister 2 · 0 0

it is for people who dont have enough money to by there food, people who pay taxes it goes to the food stamp peole to, i think. but it helps alot of people out

2006-11-26 11:17:57 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

i think it is the food co louring that is used to give food a nice colour.

2006-11-28 01:29:19 · answer #10 · answered by Andy James F 1 · 0 0

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