maybe the coalition will offer them a halal turkey as a symbol of peace
2006-11-26 20:48:52
answer #1
answered by alpha.female 3
No they will not, as their beliefs are different to ours. The Germans believed in the Weinachtsmann, Father Christmas as the Brits did. They decided that on the day of our Lords birth their would be a truce not to open fire on anyone.
2006-11-26 12:21:49
answer #2
answered by Le Baron 3
The few german and allied forces that met briefly in no mans land were of similar culture and values.Many were conscripts and harsh conditions in trench life meant many were bitter about the war in general.(this did not affect the fighting spirit and bravery of both sides)
In iraq , we see syrians sending crazed brainwashed terrorists by the hundreds into iraq every week
These ppl have no values whatsoever and certainly dont recognise celebration of peace.
The kindest thing this christmas is to destroy those who are killing innocents and allied soldiers in iraq.
An invasion of iran and syria will bring hope to the middle east
merry christmas!
2006-11-26 07:00:23
answer #3
answered by ? 3
The insurgents don't celebrate Christmas so they're not going to stop attacking U.S. troops for anything. Also, the lull in combat you were talking about was between two Christian countries, not between a Christian country and a bunch of insurgents. I think we should drop a few 500 lb. bombs on them as a present.
2006-11-26 07:02:22
answer #4
answered by Answers Are Free Today... 2
Only professional soldiers could wish each other merry Christmas on Christmas day, Insurgence use the opportunities to kill enemies
2006-11-26 07:02:38
answer #5
answered by usamedic420 5
There will be more bombings with no chace ever of a truce due to the insugents being totally radical.Canadian and US troops will be stuck there with no hope,like the poor peacekeepers who got stuck to serve in Cypres and Gollan heights.Hope the mess puts a good spread on for them to chow down and they get lots of cards from home,I,m sure most over there would rather be here than there.
2006-11-26 07:33:31
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Well, as Afghanistan and Iraq are muslim nations, they don't celebrate Christmas, especially as they are extremists. They see the 25th of December as just another day, but will probably acknowledge the fact that we will celebrate it and tactically exploit it. I therefore envisage that our soldiers will be on a higher guard state than normal on that day, unfortunately.
I think it will be a tough day for our lads and lasses. Good luck to them.
2006-11-26 22:35:41
answer #7
answered by genghis41f 6
Now, why would you think Muslims would consider Christmas an appropriate time for a truce? No, they won't agree to a Christmas cease-fire.
2006-11-26 06:59:13
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
In The first two world wars there were Christians fighting Christians. The insurgents will use the lull to their advantage.
2006-11-26 06:56:35
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
All three missed their targets and killed some civilians and come goats? Got to love russian technology. LOL
2006-11-26 22:35:50
answer #10
answered by jessica a 2