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This kind of crap pisses me off, why do U.S. troops have to shoot a damn dog for can't they find any real targets!!! Was this a terrorist dog. Did they have great intelligence to prove that dog had bad intentions. And was it indangering american freedom!

2006-11-25 13:48:50 · 21 answers · asked by zionistequalsnazi 2 in Politics & Government Military

21 answers

Why did these U.S. marine cowards shoot this dog in iraq?
Because they either wanted or needed to.

"This kind of crap pisses me off"
Cool, Next you should thanks these Marines and the many others that are giving their life, so that you in all your Ignorance have the right to sit at your computer and spew your agenda. I don't agree with you but hey! It's your right to say it and my right to call you the COWARD.

"why do U.S. troops have to shoot a damn dog for can't they find any real targets!!!"
First: Learn to use the English language correctly.
Second: Sure there are many targets. However, for many reasons their hands are tied much of the time limiting when they can shoot them.
I have an idea! Join the Marines! Set the example in COURAGE. Show us what it means to be brave. Is it sitting at home typing your rants? Or just maybe it is moving forward into an alley while bullets scream by your head! Maybe it's watching your best friend slam to the ground beside you with his leg blown off? Or maybe being brave is picking him up over your shoulders with one hand while continuing to fire your weapon at the enemy with the other. And ALL OF THIS FOR YOU! Yes, for YOU and everyone else who wants the FREEDOM to say what they want. Even if it is a rant against them. However, if you don't want to Join them, (coward) then you could always....
........ Stop by the local store, by a towel, pick up a copy of the Quran jump a plane and be in Iraq or Afghanistan tomorrow. We don not need more targets,but an easy one would be nice! Oh I forgot, with your pitiful use of the English language, you should fit right in.

"Was this a terrorist dog"
Quite Possibly!

"Did they have great intelligence to prove that dog had bad intentions"
Probably Not. However, It does not take great intelligence to understand your intentions either.

" And was it indangering american freedom!
Again your command of English has said more than you ever could. Learn to use a Dictionary or a Spell Check!

cow·ard (kou'?rd) n.
One who shows ignoble fear in the face of danger or pain.
Definitely not a Marine

ignorance n. The condition of being uneducated, unaware, or uninformed.

Pejorative definition
Ignorance: is the choice to not act or behave in accordance with regard to certain information in order to suit ones own needs/beliefs
"Definitely fits your description"

2006-11-25 15:11:01 · answer #1 · answered by Rooster 1 · 6 0

Why did Peterson kill his wife and unborn child? Why did the next door neighbor drive drunk and kill an innocent family dad? There is no answers to these rhetorical question. If you think its easy being over there for 12 - 17 months at a time when it hits 110 everyday of the year, I think we deserve to have some "oops" here and there ok? Most of the guys are 18 - 25 years old. We should be at home getting girlfriends spending time with friends and enjoying life, not in a war zone 24/7 when we don't know if we'll survive today and see mom and dad tomorrow. Give it up. We are the ones over there protecting people's freedom. So stop complaining. Until you can go over there and protect that dog...we'll see what you'll say. Because you won't be protecting the dog...you'll be protecting your own ****.

And by the way....They use dogs to hide bombs and lead the dog into public ways and blow up people. Is that fun?

2006-11-25 14:30:26 · answer #2 · answered by Jason M 3 · 5 2

First to the "HERO" who suggested calling him a coward to his face -YOU BET I WOULD! This is why there are REGULATIONS governing ANY contact with animals both domestic and wild-for service members safety and PR for the U.S. But as bad as this seems we sanction animal death and torture all the time .You know ,if the dog shooting marine "SOMEHOW" was to get on the NAMBLA mailing list or some other HOMO sicko deal ,THAT'S A STINK THAT WOULD NOT GO AWAY! man that would SUCK-LOL

2006-11-25 15:45:30 · answer #3 · answered by badmts 4 · 0 0

You're pretty quick to judge... it appeared to me that the dog was hurt from the beginning of the clip. In which case they may have been just putting it out of it's misery. Or before the clip started maybe the dog attacked them... or... the point is that you actually have no idea what the real story is, but the first thing that you do is trash the troops... Sad... really sad.

2006-11-25 14:25:16 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 8 0

Something could have been wrong w/ the dog (Rabbies, ect..) or they could have gotten a call saying the dog had been agressive towards other soldeirs and to take care of the threat. My friend and his friends (Marines) were in Iraq and got attacked by a dog, he didnt kill it, he just nailed it w/ a rock in the face and it left. The soldeirs took care of a threat, thats what they do.

2006-11-25 14:01:12 · answer #5 · answered by I Hate Liberals 4 · 9 0

I would like to see the preceeding 5 minutes if you don't mind.
Showing a serial killer being exicuted without informing anyone that he was a serial killer would look just as bad.

Might just be that the "Marine cowards" are now some Iraqi childrens greatest heros for keeping that dog from attacking them.

2006-11-25 14:00:10 · answer #6 · answered by tom l 6 · 10 1

Because they felt they were in danger.

Did you know that terrorists leave animals in the streets to get our soldiers to stop? Probably not.

2006-11-25 15:36:16 · answer #7 · answered by GOPneedsarealconservative 4 · 0 0

You sound so stupid, do you know that? What country are you from anyway because it sure as hell don't sound like you are from the USA... If you are then I think I can speak for the rest of us when I say, WE ARE ASHAMED TO HAVE YOU AS A FELLOW AMERICAN!!!! why don't you move to Iraq and then you can protect their damn dogs and any other animal you see fit!!!

2006-11-25 14:34:10 · answer #8 · answered by jayleneangel 1 · 6 1

If you call ANY Marine a coward again, I will shoot you myself. You are out of your place, calling these men cowards. They have been facing bombs, hatred and gunfire from terrorist maniacs, living in the dirt and mud day and night, while you've been sitting on your comfy couch watching cartoons and eating a bowl of cereal. You ought to be ashamed of yourself for even thinking such things about our troops out there.

2006-11-25 14:05:23 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 9 2

if you notice there is blood on the left abdominal area,dog didnt look like it was moving to much.maybe they were putting it out of his misery.you dont know.calling any military man a coward is bull crap.they fight for right to say such s--t.

2006-11-25 14:40:25 · answer #10 · answered by Debbie H 2 · 5 0

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