Most insurance companies do not compensate if there is no treatment, but all companies are different. If they do, and you had no treatment, you shouldn't expect more than a hundred dollars or so (not sure if you're in the US).Going to the doctor this late would be questioned as well, so you're kind of at a disadvantage because you didn't treat initially, and if you do now, they won't go for it.
Whiplash is a soft tissue injury(meaning it involves your soft tissue, no bones were broken, no discs were damaged) and those kinds of injuries resolve themselves within a few weeks without any treatment, as yours did. That's not really worth a lot of money. There's no evidence or data to show that whiplash causes problems later, either. You can argue that you were in pain for a couple of weeks and see what they offer you. Just don't expect much. There are many accidents that happen where people get seriously hurt and don't recover, and whiplash is just a blip on the radar screen of an insurance company. They have no interest in treating it (compensating you as if) as if you'll never be the same or your life was drastically changed if it wasn't.
2006-11-26 01:19:48
answer #1
answered by Chris 5
First of all, if it was somebody else's fault, then their insurance must pay for the doctor's visits. Go see the doctor and have a diagnosis made. If he says you will not have long term effects, and from your information it sounds like that is the case, then go on your merry way. The only reason for any compensation is to cover medical bills and lost wages. If that's not an issue, than trying to get more money is just greedy. Understand something, insurance companies refuse to lose money. The more they have to pay out, the higher EVERYONE's premiums go up. As an example, for 2001, the business where I was working at the time paid $36,000/year for insurance. Because the insurance companies had to pay out so much after 9/11/2001, the insurance my boss had to pay went to over $75,000/year, and we were no where near New York or Washington, D.C.
2006-11-25 13:15:36
answer #2
answered by Uther Aurelianus 6
7 years ago I've been involved in a car wreck and even since suffered with severe on and off facial and jaw pain. I've tried almost everything western medicine had to offer and had visited countless of specialist, had done ct scans, and therapies but to no avail. The doctors I have been to had persisted that there wasn't anything wrong with me and that almost drove me crazy as I was going through hell from this condition. According to all my symptoms I was diagnosed by a holistic doctor as having TMJ and he had recommended this book to me. After following the recommendation in the book for several weeks, it had changed my life. I got immediate relief after following the unique set of exercises in the book and after 2 weeks the jaw and face pain had completely gone. I only wish I would have ordered this program years ago. It would have saved me a lot of pain and anguish.
2016-05-20 05:36:07
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
They will give you back your medical expenses and lost wages, and since you had none of the above, you will get nothing. They will say if you press on it that you obviously weren't hurt that bad because you didn't bother to seek treatment.
2006-11-25 13:40:51
answer #4
answered by oklatom 7
whiplash can have long term affects,like arthritis to a lawyer ,they should give you a first consultation for free and give you the answers you need,it still may not be a bad idea to see a doc,try free clinic or county hospital,somewhere that they can see you without insurance.
good luck
2006-11-25 13:06:19
answer #5
answered by doug b 6
So you are asking for money...because you got hurt, but are fine now...hmm..who do you think this money comes from...taxpayers ultimately...sorry.. you should not receive any can be hard and sometimes filled with pain.
2006-11-25 13:06:33
answer #6
answered by chris f 3
forget about it, they don't give you anything for whiplash, it happened to me.... just ice it, motrin and move on.
2006-11-25 13:06:42
answer #7
answered by bella 2