Can you fly like Superman or catch bad guys like Batman ?
If the answer is no then your chances are limited. Sorry.
But best of luck.
2006-11-25 11:07:46
answer #1
answered by old_man_blanco 2
If you can pay all the taxes that the laws say you should pay, I would think you would be a candidate for some US hero prize, of course as a result you may be broke by now if you have paid every possible tax.
2006-11-27 17:50:44
answer #2
answered by dumb 6
First get a 6 ft long loaf of bread.
slice it lengthways
put mayo and mustard on one of the halves,
add cheese, lettuce, onions, black olives.
Lie down on top of this and pull the other half over you. Some call it a sub, but some will call you a hero.
2006-11-25 19:41:34
answer #3
answered by al p 3
I think the general way to become a 'hero' in this country is to kill people who have views, beliefs and ways of living that aren't completely familiar to members of the religious right/neo-cons.
Of course, that's if you want the admiration of the people who are obsessed with spreading "liberty" (obviously, some twisted form of the word). Personally, I think the people who dare think for themselves, and embrace the choice of others to do the same, are the real heroes. That, and those who watch The Colbert Report. They know this.
2006-11-25 19:16:31
answer #4
answered by BrightEyedBlasphemer 3
don't try to be a hero just do the right thing whenever the **** gets deep and maybe you'll luck up and get some credit for some great deed that you did but I've always heard that the ones who try to be the hero always end up getting killed trying. so this one is on you.
2006-11-25 19:55:18
answer #5
answered by lance h 2
You forgot #4 Adopt some third world child so you could have the United color of Benetton in your family
2006-11-25 19:57:30
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Nope nope you have to be on American Idol
if you die in Iraq, are in a terrorist attack, or are burned, you will only be smoothed over by policy-makers, used by the political bigwigs, or simply be forgotten.
American Idol, on the other hand, polls have shown people think votes for that are more important than midterm elections
sad, huh?
2006-11-25 19:09:11
answer #7
answered by MrPotatoHead 4
I am sorry that you feel so hopeless, but as far as I am concerned, all US military people are heros because they must still do a job EVEN IF they don't agree with their boss.
2006-11-25 19:40:04
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I's pretty easy really,,,, just do the next right thing, and if you do that often enough you will eventually become someone that others look up to.
2006-11-25 19:39:46
answer #9
answered by tom l 6
You could grow up and join the Marine Corps and we will beat that idiot out of you. And after we do that you will thank us for teaching you how to be a man.
2006-11-25 20:25:24
answer #10
answered by Anonymous