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2006-11-25 07:50:49 · 7 answers · asked by kissmybum 4 in Politics & Government Military

what if some records say misadventure...and some say friendly fire.....and a few say hostile

2006-11-25 08:03:55 · update #1

Jason- Well that doesn't make sense according to the records I have. As I ststed they are recorded differently is the files.

From the HDquarters of the Army: Report of Casualty.

Died on Jan 13th, 1967 in Vietnam as a reult of fragment wounds received in hostile ground action when hit by fragments from friendly short artillery round.

2006-11-25 08:50:41 · update #2

7 answers

No. friendly fire is where someone is killed in combat by their own side. Misadventure is where someone has done something reckless which endangered themselves by their own actions

2006-11-25 07:53:08 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Friendly fire is when someone is killed / wounded by fire of their allies. An example would be a United States Soldier being shot by another soldier from:

1. US
2. Britian
3. Germany
4. Any other US allies.

Hostile fire would be a US soldier being shot / wounded / killed by any enemy groups, such as Talibans, or the local Insurgents or Al Queda.

Misadventure means you did something your actions caused a miscommunications on some end where someone else, or yourself got killed / injured.

2006-11-25 08:39:38 · answer #2 · answered by Jason M 3 · 0 0

Casualty Detail: Misadventure (Friendly Fire) is when a patrol comes across an unexpected overwhelming enemy presence, calls for help who comes up from behind pinned down patrol and mows them all down with machine gun fire, knows they jumped the gun but takes advantage of the fact that the entire patrol in distress was shot dead in the back of the head and blames the dead soldiers for their own FUBAR...

2014-05-26 10:38:05 · answer #3 · answered by ChargeLarge 1 · 0 0

"Friendly fire" means someone else on their side did something stupid. Such as firing without being sure of the target. ;)

"Misadventure" means that either it was an accident under already unsafe circumstances (as you do in war) or the solider themselves did something stupid.

2006-11-25 07:54:15 · answer #4 · answered by Sola_Balisane 3 · 0 0

FF is under combat condition.

mis-ad is reckless actions on own part.

2006-11-25 07:59:29 · answer #5 · answered by cork 7 · 0 0

I have no idea what your real question is. If you ask what friendly fire is, it is being shot by your own military - accidentally.

2006-11-25 08:11:23 · answer #6 · answered by mimi 4 · 0 3

friendly fire is if u kill or injure one of your allies they forgive you trust me i play battlefield2

2006-11-25 07:53:43 · answer #7 · answered by WorldOfWarcraftGamerandLover 1 · 0 3

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