Joining as a medical assistant is probably one of the better branches to join although qualifications and job are not really comparable to a nurse or paramedic. The first year or so in training is nothing like serving with the fleet so if you join dont expect to see much of the real navy until you get on a ship. If you can stand it its a great experience and you will get to do and see things that you would never get a chance to do otherwise.
2006-11-25 11:12:19
answer #1
answered by saltydog 2
I don't know what it's like now but I served during the Vietnam war on the 7th fleet flag ship. It was great traveling all over Asia and we had good food on my ship. The down side was the inspections and it's strict Navy on a flag ship. Another advantage is that we didn't spend long periods of time on the gunline. Some of the aircraft carriers were out there for several weeks at a time.
At least the pay now is far better than when I served.
2006-11-25 07:47:56
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The navy produces some of the most dedicated individuals.They have the Seals, Blue jackets the best pilots in the world ( Blue Angels). Go for it, you won't be disappointed. Anyone who says different is/was probably in on of the other armed services. Once you are in the Navy, you're with the elite.After all, someone needs to think for the rest of the armed services.LoL.
2006-11-25 07:42:36
answer #3
answered by X_YELLOWJACKET_X 3
As a MA (Master at Arms) your primary duty will be to serve as a member of the police force for the navy. If this is what interest you, the field is full of great opportunities and more intense training than your civilian counterpart.
You can always change career paths later.
Whatever you decide you want to do, your experience in the military depends on YOU. It's what you put into that determines what you get from it.
2006-11-25 07:47:57
answer #4
answered by devantte_2000 1
I have 3 stepsons in the Navy. They are all full time and love it. One has been to Japan and the other 2 have been around the world at least once. Plus, it's safer than ground units......
Joining the military (any branch) is worth it.
2006-11-25 07:38:03
answer #5
answered by FireBug 5
I was in the royal navy last war in the pacific .Saw a lot of the world and made lots of friends .Go for it.
2006-11-25 07:39:09
answer #6
answered by yammee 5
if you are going to do it and want to become a "lifer" go at it full husband was active duty navy for 8 years now active duty USCG, i was active duty Navy and i thought about reserves but then started to think that it would kind of be a waste of my time...if you are dead serious about going navy, then just go cant really beat going active duty...
2006-11-25 09:37:58
answer #7
answered by sherichance79 4
You might as well go full time. When you first get in, it's going to suck a bit because you'll be low man on the totem pole. Good luck with it.
2006-11-25 07:41:24
answer #8
answered by Paul P 3
dont join any goverment first cuz you must ask ya self this qs
1 do i agree about everything of my goverment
2 im gonna die in iraq if i join full time ( and wats the point iv got a family )
3 and im starting a agency soon called ka it prevents terriosm join me ka stands for kings army and it will not always help the goverment but it will make the world a better place
2006-11-25 07:43:10
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Watch your ***, and take deoderant, I hear them bunks can get a little stuffy at times!
2006-11-25 07:38:58
answer #10
answered by Anonymous