I can't get my hands on $2 thousand cash for a trip no matter how hard I work. Every dime I get goes to living expenses and bill paying. I've often wondered where so-called poor poverty stricken illegals from Mexico who only make 10 dollars a day get the thousands to pay a coyote not just once, but several times until they successfully gain permanent access to our country.
After doing some research the answer is pretty clear. Very few illegals that come here are poor, most temporarily leave their businesses, homes and family and work here for extra money, they're trying to get rich NOT feed their families. Working here is like winning the lottery.
Ask yourself why these so-called hard working illegals from Mexico (Mexico says they're lazy, until they get here, then they say they're hard working, which is it Mexico?) who come here at the tune of at least 10 thousand a day don't head for our fields? Farmers say they're short of help ranging from 200 to 2000 workers.
Illegals claim they're here to do jobs Americans are to lazy to do. The truth is, illegals didn't do them in Mexico and they don't want to do them here either. Once they're here many of them go into white collar jobs or jobs out of the hot sun, I don't blame them, that's what anyone would do, I just wish they'd for once be truthful about it.
The actual poor Mexicans that do end up in sweat jobs (agriculture, etc.) get angry and complain about what they do for lazy Americans, like harvest tomatoes, wash dishes in restaurants, babysit the wealthy kids, etc. Americans also do those jobs, but they're not cry babies nor do they complain they're doing jobs other Americans are to lazy to do. Illegals complain as if they're doing it for free, as if we forced them into this country to do those jobs. They desperately want to compare themselves to our Black citizens of a hundred years ago.
I have family that had to give up an executive type job to an illegal Mexican. It was over the language thing in San Diego, California. My family didn't speak Spanish, so was replaced by a Mexican who doesn't speak English. With every breath Mexico takes in, they breath out a lie. The poor Mexicans they send here are Mexicos rejects and they don't want them back. They do everything in their power to force us to keep them and they protect themselves from the ones still remaining in Mexico. They build walls inside Mexico to keep the poor uneducated out, if we even think about doing that, they call us racist.
The ranks of the rich among Americans are dwindling while the ranks of rich illegals are growing in the US. In the link below "Ranks of the rich grow in Mexico", Mexico says the US used to be the "Land of Opportunity". Apparently after unloading their losers on us and their middleclass coming here to get richer, not paying income taxes and wiring money home to their already well to do family, Mexico punished us for opening our country to their ungrateful people and rewarded themselves with the title we earned but was stolen by our enemy, Mexico. They now proudly clothe themselves with the label "The Land Of Opportunity", of course we all know how greedy Mexico is, that opportunity is available only to Mexicans, not to immigrants and definitely NOT to illegals, illegals are NOT allowed the time of day there.
If anyone wonders why I mention only illegals from Mexico, it's because Mexico is the worse offender. They have set up LaRaza, MECHA, Chicano's, Aztlan, more than 50 Mexican Consulates, handing out Matricula Consular cards, demanding we honor these worthless pieces of paper from Mexico, etc.
Illegal Mexicans demand we respect their culture and language as they attempt to destroy ours. We slowly find that we're being forced to assimilate to them. In some areas of the US, English speaking citizens have to be bilingual, meaning we must speak Spanish. Whereas hispanics/latino's can walk across our border illegally not speaking a word of English and find instant employment.
They reject any attempt of us making our national language English, calling us racist for even thinking about it. What do you think their response would be if our government wanted to make our national language Spanish? Is it racist that Floridas state language is Spanish? Is it racist that Jeb Bush made it mandatory that all their youngest school children learn Spanish in school? Of course not, it's only racist if Americans want to hold on to or cherish their own culture or language.
I despise Mexicos double standards. I reject their Mexican flag that they wave in our faces. I reject that they raise their flag and lower ours, I reject that they burn ours, I reject that they get free medical care, while I go without even though I pay 400 a month for insurance premiums. I reject the fact that an illegal's baby being born in the US is considered more valuable than a baby born in the US to an American citizen. Am I against illegals? You bet!
They are constantly threatening to sue American citizens as well as our government, are forcing some of our schools to teach Mexican history instead of American history, they scream to us that we stole this land from Mexico, they boast of how many Mexicans are here and how they will be the majority soon and will take this country over. Tell us to go back to Europe, that this continent belongs to them. The list goes on and on as to why I only mention Mexico instead of illegals here from around the world.
It goes without saying I'm against illegal aliens and amnesty and if we are to have any kind of future, our border with Mexico must be secured & fenced.
2006-11-25 08:53:33
answer #1
answered by humm 2
Well, start with the first word, 'illegal'. To denote something as 'illegal' implies that it's unlawful, against the law etc. Illegal immigration is a term that describes people unlawfully entering the United States to live or engage in commerce etc. In english, they're breaking the law just by being in the country. I think illegal immigration is still only a civil offense, but I read that if you get deported, and it's second offense, then it's elevated to a more severe crime. In the context of talking about jobs etc., it's one clear instance where crime DOES pay...even if it's just a minor crime. So, question is, do we tolerate american businesses aiding and abetting/encouraging unlawful behavior? Why call it all of that? Because if illegal aliens were not being hired by US companies, there'd be little or no illegal immigration. By promoting employer enforcement, that's helping to 'turn off the magnet'...the people talking about immigration reform have mentioned that before, as well as better border enforcement, and I think that also adding community awareness on illegal immigration is important.
2006-11-25 05:51:04
answer #2
answered by gokart121 6
I believe we need better enforcement on the issue. Illegal immigration burdens an already overburdened society and lowers the standard of living. There are laws for a reason and anyone trying to enter our country should abide by them. Disregard for our laws is an affront to the very system they are trying to be a part of. Of course, there are going to be exceptions and in cases where a person fears for his/her life, allowances should be made. But the vast majority of illegals are here because they want to take our jobs and send money back to their native lands. This isn't just illegal, it is immoral and a blatant slap in the face to every hard working American.
2006-11-25 06:10:45
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Illegal immigration is not a good thing. However there should be legal ways for peole to come to our country that are well known to those of other countries, so they can go through thr proper channels to get here, just as we do to go to other countries.
Most illegals do not know there are legal ways to get here. They are undereducated (not by their own faults) and usually from poor families and are sent here to work to send money home to their families. I just wish there was a way to help these people that didn't cost the US. deporting them will cost us because americans will not do the job they do for the money they do it and the long hours they work. THere needs to be a way to track them in our country though.
2006-11-25 05:43:10
answer #4
answered by momoftwinsplus2 2
we need to secure the border before we worry about ones here now. we need to
1- get more natl. guard forces on the border
2- build the fence
3- create a VALID temporary worker program.
4- change the visa system
but, sadly the politicians argue and block each other's laws while nothing gets done, 7,855 illegals come here EVERY DAY!!! now.
we need to make this a hostile bad enviroment for illegals: no rent, no social services, no education, no work, no money
but the politicians are a buncha rich, upscale, politically correct, crybabies and cannot do that
2006-11-25 06:27:23
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The borders should be closed and Homeland Security should have had that done before we went into Iraq .
How can our country be safe , if just anyone can cross our borders .
That said , those that come into the US illegally have broken our laws and are considered criminals . As we all know , we do not want CRIMINALS coming into this country .
So if immigrants want to be welcome here then come here legally or don't come at all
.If you love this country and want to be a American Citizen , you won't want to break the law , will you .
So be a good future American Citizen , follow the law
2006-11-25 06:36:56
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It's about time we started to get tougher on them.They should not be allowed into this country.This country is already overloaded with them.They seem to get preference above our own English people,which is surely wrong,we should look after our own first.Once they arrive and are found to be illegal,we should send them back to their country of origin immediately.Not be allowed to put foot on our shores.Would we be allowed to do the same in reverse,I DON'T THINK SO.If and when anyone comes to our country,we should use the three criteria.1ST.They must be able to speak English,and use it as their first language.2ND.They must abide our rules,as we have to in their countries.3RD.If, at any time, they break the law,we do not send them to prison,they will automatically be deported,not be kept in our prisons at the tax payers expense.
2006-11-25 05:55:10
answer #7
answered by gerald8018 3
I think it is almost a no win issue. There isn't any good way to fix it.
I do believe that we should not let adults ride the coat tails of the infants born in this country. So many of them do that. Have a baby here and then please let me stay with my child. No one wins.....
Dallas is the only place I have been in several years, to really be out and see what is going on. But it is turning into a little Mexico...if they want to live and work, I can't really blame them for I have been into Mexico several times....I would not want to be there either. But if they feel it is so bad and they have to get out...then leave it there....don't bring it here. Stop trying to make our home into what they are trying to escape from.
My mother lived in Oak Cliff for 50 years before she died last year. Old couldn't get around very much. She went into a beauty shop up close to her home....they wouldn't even trim her hair for her....they told her we don't want your "kind" here. Course she was white, the shop was Mexican and she had been there for a lot longer than them.
But they are here, and here to stay, get them registered and legal and let everyone...no matter where they are from start paying their fair share of the cost in taxes. It is time that the ones that have been here stop carrying them. Am tired of hearing about how bad it is that they can't get health for their kids, what about our kids?
2006-11-25 05:53:59
answer #8
answered by patricia p 2
This is a subject that I feel very strongly about. I married someone who entered the country LEGALLY but stayed past his Visa expiration. So, technically he WAS illegal. He is now a Permanent Resident. I think that everyone deserves a chance to live the best life that they can. We live in a free country, why should they not have the same free rights that we do? We are a country that is valued on our diversity and multi-cultural environment.
Most of the illegal people in this country are very good people. They come here to work, support their families, they pay taxes and they don't generally cause any problems for -legal- people. They do so much for this country that we as Americans take for granted. They do the hard jobs that no one wants. They take low minimum wage pay because that is like a fortune to them. The minimum wage in Mexico is about .75 cents I believe, the last time I asked. I would like to challenge anyone who feels the opposite of me...to go to Mexico and live the lives they do and NOT want to do all that they can to come back to America. Do you think that you could survive on $30 a week and support your entire family? Could you be afraid to walk down your street in fear that you might get killed or robbed, every day? Did you ever stop to think of WHY they might want to come over here? That maybe they want a better life...maybe that actually want to see tomorrow? Most of them risk their lives and spend thousands of dollars to cross the border...You can't tell me that they do that just to make -your- life harder. They are doing that for themselves and their families.
I think that we should all just worry about a lot bigger issues, then someone's legal or illegal status in this country. I do NOT think that they should just open the border and let EVERYONE come in, but I do strongly believe that they should make it easier for immigrants to come and visit and then have the opportunity to apply for residency once they are here. That way we get rid of the illegalism. There just needs to be a plan and order among the border.
I would also like to remind some of you that Mexico is not the only country that has people coming illegally into America. They are coming from all over the world. So "closing" the border is not going to stop anything.
2006-11-25 05:54:42
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I really don't know. I'm not up for the whole "build a fence" thing but then I'm not at the border cheering the illegals on. So I guess I'm pretty neutral about it.
2006-11-25 05:43:03
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
It must be stopped and right now, each day is a day lost. With them crossing the border at a rate of 2880 per day.
2006-11-25 06:10:25
answer #11
answered by Anonymous