Many dogs experience dry itchy skin, and if yours is one you know that it drives both of you nuts. I know that my dog, “Daisy,” does have some dry skin issues! The first thing you should rule out is fleas. Flea combs and flea drops such as advantage are available at your local pet supply store. If no fleas are found, or if you have treated for fleas and your dog is still itching I’ve found that the best way to alleviate the problem is to: Splash approximately 2 Tablespoons of either vegetable oil or canola oil in your dog’s food. The additional fat will give your dog’s coat a soft, shiny look and will help to alleviate the dry skin and itching. Another option you can try is an over-the-counter product available at most pet stores called, “Lipiderm,” which works in the same fashion, but costs a little bit more. A suggestion you might try: made by one of my newsletter subscribers writes, “Best thing for itchy skin is lemons. Slice a couple of lemons in a liter of water and boil it. Let it cool down for a day then you can spray it on your dogs coat. It works wonders and is cheap.
2006-11-25 04:19:09
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I'm sure you meant Dalmation crossbreed, and my Chi x had the same issue.
We use an oatmeal bathing shampoo on her, then some ordinary people conditioner for her coat. We bathe her once a week.
She is on the Revolution regimine monthly, so we've ruled out fleas, ticks, ear mites, etc.
We also added a squirt of Salmon Oil to her Omega3 rich kibble ( ). That seemed to do the trick. No more itching or flakes!
Apple Cider Vinegar is a good rinse for your dog if it is particularly itchy. Also, sprinkling regular old table salt on your floors will help kill any fleas that may be hanging around.
2006-11-25 04:28:29
answer #2
answered by ? 4
I'd check with the vet. Skin and coat problems in dogs are usually a symptom of something else, rather than a problem and can be caused by anything from allergy, to an improper diet, to skin cancer, to a hormonal imbalance. Your vet will want to know what food your dog is eating, whether there are any other symptoms (weight gain, behavioral changes), whether there have been any other stressors or environmental changes. Until the cause is known though, it's pretty hard to treat the symptom.
2006-11-25 04:44:35
answer #3
answered by E M 2
my own dog suffers from dry itchy skin occasional shampooing with poly tar shampoo helps to relieve the itching seems as the dog has a blood disorder here is hoping this helps if not seek advice from a vet good luck
2006-11-25 07:11:14
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Altationcross = Alsatian cross and drie = dry. It could be contagious to humans so I would recommend that you see a veterinary. Maybe you will get by with the application of an ointment or just a good shampoo.
2006-11-25 04:24:47
answer #5
answered by God all Mighty 3
You could get stereroid shots from the vet. To soothe his skin. Put dry oatmeal in a sock or panty hose. Then hang it on the faucet to where the water runs through it. GOOD LUCK
2006-11-25 05:33:39
answer #6
answered by Kirsti 1
Two things I would do...wash less frequently, if you wash regularly.....and you can buy rock sulphur that you can put in their water bowl, the vet says it helps and it did!
2006-11-25 04:35:22
answer #7
answered by twinkletoes 3