Well first of all, you NEVER hit a dog to teach it something, unless you REALLY enjoy teeth embedded into your arm. No no no, you've got it all wrong.
First of all, it's your Mother's dog. Your Mother needs to administer the correction because your Mother is seen as the alpha to the dog.
If you intend to be the leader of the home, and the Alpha to this dog, you've got a lot of learning to do. This dog is exhibiting dominance behavior. The dog thinks he's higher in the family then the 2yo, but that's because the dog doesn't have a strong leader to show him the ropes.
You and your mom should sit down and listen to the podcasts here: http://www.leerburg.com/dogtrainingpodcasts.htm You can learn how to be your dog's pack leader, how to teach him not to bite, etc. etc.
Someone needs to be the leader of this dog, I'll let you and your mom workout who's going to be the boss. In the meantime ALL MEMBERS OF THE FAMILY need to agree to a plan and stick to it. If the dog is given different commands, or is allowed by one person to do something the other person hates, then you're just going to have a confused dog. A confused dog is sometimes a dangerous dog.
Work it out for the sake of the whole family (including the 4legged member).
2006-11-25 04:22:41
answer #1
answered by ? 4
First off you don't spank or beat a dog, do you beat your child seeing thats the threat you used for her dog? I'm guessing you live at her house, so her house, her dog, her rules. Don't let your child walk around with food anyways, have them seated at a table when they eat meals or snack because for one thing it can be a choking hazard and also when they are older they aren't allowed to walk around eating in school or most public places so teach him early. As for the taking food off the table, convince your mother to enroll the dog in some obedience classes, that way you can BOTH learn how to disipline the right way without resorting to physical violence.
2006-11-25 07:26:17
answer #2
answered by mushroompumpkin 3
Do you live with your mother? Does your mother live with you? Or does this just happen during visits?
If you are living with the dog in your house/home then I would suggest you take over as the alpha female.
Doing this the dog will accept you as the last word regardless of who legally owns the dog.If you spank or hit the dog it won't work; all that is going to do is confuse the animal.What you want to do to get the dog to listen to you is watch your son and the dog closely. When the dog makes her move then you move in.
Dogs do not understand the human language but it isn't what you say to the canine it's how you say it! If you speak in a growling voice the dog will understand something is wrong. You can call that dog the most vile names in our language with the voice of sweetness dripping with honey on your expletives and the dog will come wagging her tail. Call her with a growl using words like, beautiful, lovely, sweet puppy, angel dog, and you can bet she isn't going to hear any compliments.
Now... Armed with that canine knowledge you have to set the dog straight. Do it by submissing her! This is done by literally taking the dog with your hands and putting it down on its back. When you have her with her belly facing you then you lock eyes with her until " she looks away " when the dog looks away it is acknowledging your status as the Alpha female. You can blink if you want but do not look away from it's eyes. You lock on her eyes while you have her on her back and you keep that position until she looks away. You can talk in a growling voice to it if you please; and you can quote Shakespere with this tone if you want it doesn't matter as long as the dog knows it's a growl.
When the dog has been submissed then let it go. Then treat it as you were the mother dog as would happen in the wild. The mother dog would make her point by putting her jaw on the nape of her neck and giving her pup a good shake! So you take your hand and grab a handful of fur and loose skin at the nape of her neck and give it a good shake. This doesn't hurt her physically it reinforces your status as an Alpha female. Keep in mind that an omega dog always wants to please the top dog.As well keep this in mind.
Dogs are born scavengers...they will take food wherever they can and you cannot train it out of them! It's not bred into them this is born with them.
You can teach it to leave your son's food alone and you can teach it that the table is not hers. Doing this you are marking your territory and if you are succesful in getting/maintaining the alpha female role then the omega dog will respect your territory, i.e. kitchen table, son's food.
You have a big problem and this is just the basics of gaining control of the situation. Hope it helps.
2006-11-25 09:18:39
answer #3
answered by the old dog 7
Beating/spanking isn't the answer, anyways. Try putting the dog on a leash, around mealtime. That way the dog is controlled, and cannot jump on the tables. Maybe try scheduling the dog's mealtime along with yours.
Maybe even close the dog out of the dining room.
2006-11-25 04:17:41
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
The dog thinks it is the dominant personality in the household. You cannot let this continue.
I would suggest obedience training for the dog and your mother. Otherwise, this bad behavior is only going to get worse because the dog definitely feels it is the boss.
If I were you I would fear the dog biting your child when you son finally stands up to him. Again, this would be a completely normal reaction for the dominant dog in the pack. You have to get this dog (and your mother) trained to realize who is the boss around the house.
Good luck
2006-11-25 04:30:25
answer #5
answered by Gem 7
Quit letting your 2 year old walk around the house eating. Make him sit in a high chair and get the dog out of the room when he's eating or when there's food on the table.
2006-11-25 04:22:41
answer #6
answered by rdnck_grl_ms_007 3
Don't beat the dog!!!Put the dog in another room while your child is eating. And tell your Mom that you are bothered by the dogs behavior. Most dogs if you train them properly will not even beg at the dinner table, suggest to your Mom that the dog needs obedience training.
2006-11-25 04:22:13
answer #7
answered by Urchin 6
I strongly suggest that you NEVER spank or hit a dog...where did you learn to train dogs? In Iraq? Dogs respond to alpha behavior, not cruelty. If you were to strike my dog for any reason, you would find yourself on the floor. The dog is doing only what it thinks it can do. A sharp "NO" and putting him outside will convey the message quickly. Strike a dog! Good lord, where are you from?
2006-11-25 04:31:17
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Beating is not the answer. The dog needs to be taught (with firm words) that this behavior is not allowed. You should never beat a dog. With patience and discipline and time the dog will learn.
2006-11-25 04:33:52
answer #9
answered by msnite1969 5
two things...
because you are aware of this issue you should never leave the child with food around the dog unattended. if that dog should bite your child, it will not be its fault.
secondly...i would seek some traing for the dog. it is definitely food motivated, and behavior modifications shouldn't be that hard. it just means you and your mother have to be responsible pet owners
2006-11-25 04:21:49
answer #10
answered by John 2