Can you prove with evidence that there is no God? I don't want your typical answer "you can't see him". I want to know also why people who can't prove there isn't a God, don't at least searching to make sure they're not wrong. Doesn't it seem a little risky to at least not to investigate it? I mean, if I am wrong in believing that there is a God, I loose nothing. If you in believing there is no God are wrong, you loose everything. Its just doesn't make sense not to at least see if you could find God.
19 answers
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Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
I wasn't out to prove or disprove God, I was just interested in the response. I am confident in my belief and was just wondering simply wondering if anyone had an answer that was worth reading.
00:05:31 ·
update #1
You cant prove there is not God no matter how many excuses people make. All you have to do is look around you and the beauty in this world and in the world it's self. No rediculuous big bang created life. Only God did this. Praise the Lord!
2006-11-24 23:58:25
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It is impossible to, beyond doubt, prove whether or not God exists. Here are my reasons for concluding that God is unlikely:
First, you have to define the term "God." The problem with most theists is that this term is a moving target.
In addition, because there is no evidence either for or against the existence of God, you cannot use deductive logic (a+b=c; therefore c-b=a). You can only reach a conclusion by inductive reasoning using the balance of evidence (90% of A is also B; C is B, so the chances are 90% that C is also A).
I will assert (and others may shoot this down) that the only RELEVANT definition of God states that he intervenes to circumvent natural laws.
If God circumvents natural laws, then it is impossible to understand natural laws. All scientific findings would have to include the stipulation, "it is also possible that these results are an act of God, a miracle, thereby making our research meaningless."
However, since we have been able to expand our knowledge of natural laws (evidenced by every appliance in your kitchen), the scientific method works in this discovery. And the likely conclusion is that God, at least the intervening kind, does not exist.
Additionally, if God is defined as all loving, all powerful, and all knowing, then it is impossible to explain suffering. Either God is not all loving (he acts sadistically), not all powerful (he cannot prevent suffering), or not all knowing (he created suffering by mistake because he didn't know the consequences of his actions).
If God is less than these and/or does not intervene in our existence, then he is either non-existent or irrelevant. The classic argument is that I cannot prove that a china teapot is orbiting the sun directly across from the earth's orbit. But while I cannot prove this is not true, the evidence against it is compelling.
The evidence against God is equally compelling, and while it is not possible to prove beyond any doubt, it makes more sense to live your life as if there were not God. And do you know what? It's okay if you do believe God exists.
However, your ascribing to theism usually means aligning yourself with some religion that plays the "God-given morals" card. Inevitable turning to morals that are irrationally justified can lead to extreme anti-human actions. The hijackers of 9-11 believed their morals were God-given. The ONLY way to relieve the world of such craziness is to relieve the world of belief in God-given morals.
2006-11-25 07:58:09
answer #2
answered by NHBaritone 7
If you don't believe, you lose everything? Who told you.that , religion? No religion can prove that there is a heaven or hell. not one. The religions sell the belief of an after life for $3 billion a year in donations. It's a business.based on a promise and different religions make different promises. And none can provide proof. According to the various religions there are different heavens or paradises. Does the Catholic Religion say that when you die and go to heaven , that you'll be joined with Jews, Muslims, Hindus etc, etc. ? Of course not, they all claim to have a separate section of the promised land (or cloud). It's all the creation of man who thinks that God's in the real Estate business. If you're Catholic you go to section "C", Muslims go to section "A". I can't have all the religions together in heaven because they'll start fighting again. Do you see how ridiculous it gets?
2006-11-25 08:16:56
answer #3
answered by The professor 4
Common sense says there is no God . Try proving there is one . I don't need the help of Pagan rituals to lead a good life . I love my family have been faith full to my wife of 30 years , have never abused my children or grand children . I try to help the poor and others when I can . A person doesn't need belief in a god to know what is right and wrong . They just need to care .
2006-11-25 08:03:18
answer #4
answered by Az Rastaman 3
Here are a couple things any atheist could do to PROVE that God is not real.
1) Rebuild the city of Tyre (Ezekiel 26, God says it will never again be built.)
2) Live in Babylon (Jeremiah 51 says it will be forever uninhabited.)
Simple as that. Do one of these two, and you will have POSITIVE PROOF.
I dare you to try! I, personally, have seen ample proof in my own life's experiences that God exists.
2006-11-25 08:05:18
answer #5
answered by AsiaWired 4
If you want a proof you can search, no one's stoping you. Many people have done it before (try to prove) and many will in the future. But, in my opinion, the longer and the more they try to prove there's no God, the closer they get to the point where they discover there IS a God.
If you believe He doesn't exist and and you try to prove it, you won't loose anything, that's true. But if you'll find out He does exist you will gain something.
If you believe He does exist, there's no point in proving it. All you need is your faith. If you want to prove that He doesn't exist, you're wasting your time. Many tried to and failed. God exists
2006-11-25 08:01:18
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
What makes you think atheists haven't searched? I can't speak for all atheists, but all that I know have searched... and found nothing valid to believe in.
2006-11-25 07:58:49
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
if there was a god why would people die from natural disasters and babys die when they are born and when they are most innocent. And if god is really god i dont think he wouold send u to hell just for not believing in him.
2006-11-25 07:58:29
answer #8
answered by jak 3
Can you prove there is a God?
2006-11-25 08:00:02
answer #9
answered by Jon 2
It is impossible to prove a negative.
But you are right about one thing,
in any debate, the burden of proof rests WITH BOTH.
Atheists deny they have any burden of proof whatsoever, and thus, make meaningful dialogue impossible.
2006-11-25 07:58:50
answer #10
answered by Br. Dymphna S.F.O 4