The vet told me that there would come a moment when you knew, and she was right. My dog lived to 14, and he had cataracts, a heart murmur, arthritis, and then started kidney failure. I gave him intravenous fluids 3x per week from November until February, and he hated it. He shook the whole time I gave it to him (about 3-4 minutes). Otherwise, he was lazy, but no more so than usual for his age. He had lived to his life expectancy. And there's no cure for kidney failure so we were just doing what we could to keep him with us.
So one day he just looked up at me when I came over to him with the fluid bag, and I picked up the phone and called to set up the euthanization. The vet never questioned me. They were very good, very understanding, and didn't pressure me to stay with him. I did, and I'm glad for that, but you just know. I knew when we got the diagnosis it was the right thing to do, but I just had to have time to get used to it. His quality of life was just so poor. We had him cremated, and we still miss him, but it was best for him.
2006-11-24 13:50:06
answer #1
answered by Chris 5
Your question and many of the heartfelt responses brought tears to my eyes.
It sounds like your old boy is telling you how much he's suffering. He has had a good life, he is much loved. 17+ years is an amazing life for a lab. I think you already know, through your gut feeling, what your doggie kid is telling you; Gather your family and discuss how you want to say goodbye to this beloved member of the family. If you have kids that are older and away at school you might want to give them a call and see if they can make it home to say goodbye (I didn't know in time to say goodbye to my family's 15 year old golden, and it just about broke my heart.)
remember he doesn't really know why he is suffering, and that he trusts you, his pack leader, to make all the important decisions for him. To help him let go is one of the hardest and best ways you can reward his trust and loyalty.
I miss Sashie (my old golden) so much, but I know she has grandma there with her, and angel squirrels to chase, and an unlimited supply of celestial yummy treats. She's not in this hard world where her eyes cloud over and prevent her from seeing the birds fly past; she's not struggling to stand on her arthritic legs, or staring listlessly at food she no longer has appetite for.
You love this dog and I think you know in your heart that the time is here. I'm so sorry, and my thoughts are with you.
2006-11-24 18:55:57
answer #2
answered by lalabee 5
Pray and ask others for prayer.It appears by your notes that you have given this baby the best life you could give him.He obviously loves you and trusts you.He is probally in pain when he cries out and really doesn't know what he wants.He just wants you.He is depending on you now and you are faced with this hard decision but pray about it and god will answer your prayers.Or at least give you the strenth to do what is best for him and your family.He has lived a very long life for a Lab.I would not want to suffer and i,m sure you wouldn't want too so think about what he is probally thinking.Try to remember the good times and let him go.Ask for the stregth to do what is needed to do.There is no pain for the baby when being put to sleep that is why they call it that you may even hold him in your arms until he drifts off to doggy heaven,sometimes that helps.Good Luck and God Bless you and you family.
2006-11-24 14:27:12
answer #3
answered by mcnatt c 4
he is telling u he needs help or attention by barking. keep him very warm due to authritis. my 16 year old is blind and deaf but gets where she needs to go. has lots of accidents and wanders and falls alot. she gets trapped under the kitchen stools and whines until I come get her, she only eats ground turkey mixed with mighty dog food now.I take her to her bed alot and lay her down and she has her own fleece blankets.I am letting her live her life out and try and keep her comfy. she knows where to come when shes hungry cause she is a brittney bird dog and her sense of smell has never left her. you can make your own choices you have had her a long time and you are right. she is way past living on borrowed time. any day she could go. treasure the days and memories u have and keep her comfy
2006-11-24 14:05:24
answer #4
answered by petloverlady 3
Does he yelp when you help him up? Whining is a good sign of suffering also. Some dogs will even bawl and when you hear it you will know it is blood curdling. you haven't stated what kind of dog it is. Large or Small. If it is a large dog 17 years old is a long life. Little dog it's still a long life, but they are more apt to live longer.
2006-11-24 13:49:07
answer #5
answered by Jennifer R 3
It sounds like he is. I'm sorry.
The only advice I can give you at this point is to ask your vet to come to your home when the time comes.
The last few weeks I had with my Maverick were terrible. My selfishness was fighting with doing what's best for him. I don't know how I made the decision. I didn't want to make the phone call, but my fingers dialed the phone. It was very surreal.
What does your vet say about all this?
E-mail me if you need to talk.
2006-11-24 13:52:15
answer #6
answered by KJ 5
I am so sorry honey. 17 and a half years old is pretty old. Take him to the vet and get the vets honest opinion, ask the vet if this were his dog what would he do. Remember the rainbow bridge. There is no pain there and when you get there your dog will be waiting for you. Your dog will be young healthy and so happy to see you. God Bless sweetie.
2006-11-24 15:01:28
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
i know how you feel.. My family just had to put our dog to sleep and she was with us for 13 years. Talk to the vet if they can't do anything to releive the pain the it is time to let him go. You are only doing him harm by letting him suffer. Which it sounds like he is. I know it is painful but are you only holding on for your own feelings? We gave Sam the best we could but had to make a really tough decision when we let her go. She was in a lot of pain and her quality of life was not good any more. I know it is hard but make a decision for your animal and not for your self. Is his life worth holding onto if he is in pain. Is it fair to hold on when he is hurting. If you need ot talk let me know. I know how it feels. We put her down 6 days after my wedding and 1 day before my neices birthday. I will talk anytime. Just email me. I am sorry for everything you are going through.
2006-11-24 13:51:55
answer #8
answered by babydove1821 2
I'm sorry to here this and even more sorry for what I'm about to tell you, do the dog a favor and have it put down. The poor guy is only 2 and has this many problems imagine what it will be like in about 2 more years. This is not fair to you or the dog, he is better off this way. Anyway there are a lot of dogs out there that are healthy and need a good home do them a favor to by saving them from the pound before they to have to be euthanized. I am sorry, And I hope for the best for you. It's never easy.......
2006-11-24 13:50:41
answer #9
answered by matt v 3
17 years is a good long life for a lab. Sometimes the best gift we can give them is to let them go. My heart goes out to the dog, you and the family.
2006-11-24 13:57:47
answer #10
answered by Anonymous