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15 answers

They actually have indoor electrontic fences for pets! Check out petsmart or any other dog catalog/website. The dog wears a special collar and you can buy these small transmitters to put around various places around your home you don't want your pet in/near.

*** I would like to add, that personally, I think this is the lazy way out training. There are much better ways to house train your dog! But I did want to answer your question.

2006-11-24 13:32:53 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

till you have the time to take her to flyball or agility coaching, then the only difficulty i'm able to propose is to place her in a brilliant pen with toys to maintain her amused. And ... attempt to positioned it so she would be in a position to't see any farm animals in case you could. Being a working dogs, she could be quite smart and could in all probability be waiting to artwork her way around the electrical powered fence. i don't think of it may impression her skill to artwork the sheep while she's allowed. Or are you speaking on the subject of the "invisible" fencing? the style the place she wears a collar and a twine is buried around the boundryline which you particularly choose to maintain her in. The collar will beep a warning while she gets too close and could marvel her if she tries to bypass over it. would take some instructions yet which would be your answer too. you may would desire to stroll the boundry together with her till she have been given it, yet communicate with you vet too. they'd produce different techniques that would help. solid success!

2016-10-13 01:33:02 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I have a very large dog that loves to be around people and I have been able to teach it that this area is off limits. Make the dog sit and stay outside the room knowing that it cannot come in. It does take time. I agree with one of the other people that responded to your question ... inside you should have complete control over your dog.

I went for the above method versus baby gates because I cannot stand looking at them and crawling over them.

Good luck!

2006-11-25 06:38:58 · answer #3 · answered by allyinminneapolis 4 · 0 0

Crate train your animal so you can restrict where it roams without your undivided attention. The crate is much more a comfort to them than an invisible or electric fence. It's probably the most humane alternative to actually training your dog to sit/stay.

Why can't you train your animal?

2006-11-24 13:39:58 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 1 1

I dont think any one uses electric fences which sounds kinda harsh. I use baby fences for my puppy.

2006-11-24 15:55:30 · answer #5 · answered by michael w 1 · 0 0

Electric fence posts need to be pegged into the ground on most instances. They are not designed for indoor use. You may want to jurt put up baby gattes.

2006-11-24 13:32:51 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Electric fence is cruel... u may visit my friend online shop to check with them on the fence designed more for dogs.
www.e-petszone.com and go to contact us.

2006-11-24 13:38:45 · answer #7 · answered by develynthong 2 · 1 1

I'm not sure if that is a good idea. You can get baby gates of all different sizes at your local pet store. I would try that before you but a hot fience in your house:)

2006-11-24 13:39:49 · answer #8 · answered by susie w 3 · 2 1

NO, you can't do that to a dog. Why do you want to keep him/her out of certain rooms? If you want to use it for your husband, that I can understand.........But, please do not be mean to your dog....................

2006-11-24 13:59:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Can't help....hate these questions....

If you can't train the dog to behave in the house find it a home where someone will.

2006-11-24 13:34:02 · answer #10 · answered by KJ 5 · 2 3

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