sure, but you need a good follow up
2006-11-24 00:02:48
answer #1
answered by IanBaby 4
Saying the phrase "I like you" prior to offering her a drink doesn't make much sense. You don't even know her.
An introduction of some sort before offering her a drink seems more appropriate. This and you can view her reaction to your approach to find out if offering her a drink will fly or not.
2006-11-24 08:05:57
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I'm a girl, but if I were to club, and a guy were to come up to me like that I'd definitely accept the drink. I'd think you're funny and straight-forward guys rock. A plus if you're good-looking.
2006-11-24 08:09:58
answer #3
answered by misseighteen 3
yes, only like 10% of the time.
Once a met a woman on the T and offered that. She said yes, invited me back to her place even. It didn't work out though. I wish it had. She was nice.
I'm much better by the 10th date.
2006-11-24 08:05:34
answer #4
answered by kurticus1024 7
I know this is for the guys but from a womans point of view I wouldnt mind if a guy said he liked me then bought me a drink. But whats more attractive is if a guy asks if you want a drink, buys you one, then leaves. It shocks me and makes ME like HIM.
2006-11-24 08:04:28
answer #5
answered by Mistress_T 3
Yes I have done that and No it has never worked. Has a guy ever done that to you and has it worked for him?
Would you like to go for a drink sometime?
2006-11-24 08:03:40
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
A guy came up to me in a club, told me his name then asked me to dance. I said yes and ive been going out with him ever since :)
2006-11-24 08:28:31
answer #7
answered by Minnie Me 2
if you came up 2 me in a bar and said that id probably let u put your hands down my top!
2006-11-24 08:19:17
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Yes and yes - but the success rate is low x
2006-11-24 08:04:32
answer #9
answered by misbehave4me 4
Never tried it coz the whole process sucks, if you were lookin for better pick up lines, try something else.
2006-11-24 08:14:36
answer #10
answered by Sammo 2
I have done it on occasions, some times it works, most times they look at you as if you are from another planet.
2006-11-24 08:05:10
answer #11
answered by MUSHMAN 6