I guess your question is: are you pretty stupid? Answer: no your not stupid. You have some pretty good points, and your going to have to struggle with them to find answers you can live with, or learn to live without knowing answers.
Here's some personal input. I definitly think animals have ways to communicate, you'd be crazy not to think that, and even scientists are only beginning to scratch the surface of different animals communications systems. It's interesting how gay people fool themselves into thinking that it's okay by God, when the bible clearly states it's wrong. So yeah, I'm not Christian or against gays, but yes these people choose to believe something that's not really supported by the bible. Your last point kind of skips around, but generally that's just a personal belief, something that you would just feel.
2006-11-23 18:23:56
answer #1
answered by Nick T 3
I think those are all good thoughts. I don't think people are born gay. I believe that we were born with a specific gender and great potential to discover what we can do. As a Mormon I believe that gender was already determined before we were born - not just while in our mother's womb, but in another time and place called the pre-mortal life. We were cherished sons and daughters of God. I also think animals all have a way of communicating. Some of them, I have heard, have the intelligence of a young child when it comes to learning about their world around them, commands, etc. I believe that God has children on other planets who are learning much of what we are learning as well. Scientists already know there are things the human eye cannot see. Visible light only makes up a fraction of the entire electromagnetic spectrum. I was your age when I learned about that fact. Have a happy day, I send you a gummy bear, and thanks for sharing.
2006-11-23 18:18:48
answer #2
answered by Cookie777 6
No, not stupid at all. I believe everything on earth has it's purpose so therefore, animals are here for a reason to. I think they can comunicate with each other. How else do the mothers call for their young? I was watching Oprah the other day and she had a woman on there that said babies have their own language as well. She could understand what they needed by the sounds they made. I was like, yeah o.k here's another one for the nut house, but she had some mothers there with their babies and she actually could understand them! I believe there is more to this world than we think. It's just, will we ever find out what? Excellent Question!
2006-11-23 18:22:25
answer #3
answered by mama3 5
I don't think your crazy..
I totally believe animals have their own commuication..have you ever went to the zoo and watched the Apes or monkeys? Very smart and definitely communicating in some way..I have a cockatoo he is a bright boy and all the research I have done on him says that he basically has the intelligence of a 2 yr. old. Yep temper tantrums and all..the scream is enough to send ya running for the door! He can talk and sing..but that is only because he was raised by humans..the thing is he does comprehend what some words mean like if you ask him if he wants to go outside...Too smart!
Now if he was left out in the wild where he belongs he would of never know how to speak english..But I can tell you our neighbor has a cockatoo also, and when he hears it yell normal bird talk, he will talk back..of course I don't know what they are saying..I don't speak cockatoo!! Why would god put all these animals on this earth and not let them communicate!(not possible)
I have a brother that is gay..I do think he was born gay..Just think if when you were born the norm was everyone was gay and if you were not than you were frowned upon for not being like everyone thought you should be ..so you tried really hard to be gay, hoping if you dated gays than it would spark something inside you that would make you the norm, everyone wanted you to be...wouldn't work now would it? I take it your straight since your 100% agiansts gays! So picture this making yourself have sex with the same gender(as yourself) for the rest of your life..because thats what people say is right!!
That is what it is like for gays to sleep with the opposite sex!! Yea I know your thinking GROSS!
I question the bible on a-lot of things this being one of them..Have you ever read the old testament..some of that stuff is crazy!
I totally believe in God but I don't know if all the words in the bible come from him and really who knows this for a fact?? Is there anyone alive today that witnessed all of this? I wonder how many things have been altered to suit man over the years?
I believe there are many things in and around this world we don't see..And why would we think that we are all that, for God only to create us..
I don't think your stupid.. I think you are deep!
And that is a wonderful thing!
2006-11-23 19:55:33
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
that's 3 questions, not one...
2) Other animals' brains are smaller and less complicated, and cannot support language and conversation like the human brain
1) Being gay is natural, and homosexuality has been around since before the Romans, that means before Jesus... And only in the past few centuries has it been criticized so much.
3) If god created humans, with magic, then it's reasonable to assume he created things like humans somewhere else in the universe. But since it's all an assumption anyways, it's pointless to worry about it.
2006-11-23 20:47:15
answer #5
answered by brian-upstairs 3
1) animals do have their own form of communication, we are only just beginning to understand it through studies and observation of animals.
2) science is showing that "being gay" is genetic. it's nature over nurture - it's not so much how people are raised, rather what they are born with. think about this: when did you know you were straight? you just knew; you were born so and grew up knowing only that. it's the same for gays; they are born that way and only know that way. how do you know God is against gays? did he tell you himself? because i am willing to bet you heard this through the Word of Man. in other words, the Bible is interpreted many ways and unfortunately, many people are able to uphold the Bible as a support of their ways of thinking - however biased. (you shouldn't be against "the fact of being gay" because homosexuals are born that way - according to research - and they are humans, too. and you may find them to be much more open minded people, as well, if you take the time to get to know some)
3)i agree that there may very well be "other beings" in the universe, but we'll just have to wait and see. also, there ARE things invisible to the human eye - they're called atoms and molecules, just to name a few. unless you meant spirits or ghosts, perhaps. these, i do believe exist.
hope you'll think about this.
2006-11-23 18:25:53
answer #6
answered by jamoncita 5
No, it isn't stupid at all.
In order to learn, we have to ask questions. In order to ask questions, we have to formulate some kind of concept in our minds. What I do find curious is that you seem to want to ask the questions but can't get passed the "Don't question God" thing (which is ridiculous in and of itself but another matter entirely).
Although I don't understand how you can be "100% against the fact of being gay" (that's like being against trees because they're asexual) I do believe that all creatures have their ways of communicating with each other. It's been scientifically shown that whales and dolphins have their own languages.
2006-11-23 21:55:51
answer #7
answered by Voodoid 7
it's not stupid at all.,
2)okay, no Humans are not animals, and I think that animals do have their way of communicating to each other. ways that we cannot understand. like for instance a dog's bark, or cat's meow, to us it could just mean like the sound it makes, but maybe to them it is a language. yes it is possible. a good inquiry.
1)okay in this, yes they are born gay. i have learned in my biology class that there is an imbalance in the hormones. and this imbalance is a reason for them to be gay. that is the explanation that i have learned. For me God is not against them. and that part of your question is the mystery that we have to unveil.
3)yes, i agree with you,. he is responsible solely in everything around us. i mean everything. he could have created other creatures tha is not seen in our world. yes i do agree.
if u think about it, we can never know everything there is in our lifetime. and my point being is, everyday is a new day of discovery and that our lives are not enough to sustain the period of uncovering the mysteries of life.
2006-11-23 18:48:52
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Animals communicate with signal systems, they don't have a generative grammar-- and as far as language is necessary for thought, it's hard to conceive that they think like us at all.
Who knows what tricks God is up to. You could say anything and find some sympathy with somebody.
2006-11-23 18:16:10
answer #9
answered by -.- 4
It s not about people who born gay they chose to be gay. Some people born retarded, some people could be born with part of their body missing. In some way we are animals but we better than animals we could think better and build things better. but human and animal the same because we need oxygen, water, we could get shot we could also be kill. we do doggy style (sex).
and we also need food to survive and good nutrient that the body will need to support us.
2006-11-23 18:16:07
answer #10
answered by Anonymous