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I sure will have fake answers but I want to know for those who will respond with yes. why?

With Racist I mean "make difference for race, cultural, economic level, etc"

Are you?

2006-11-23 11:10:17 · 27 answers · asked by Una vaca 5 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

27 answers

I respect all race except for asians.

2006-11-27 08:28:16 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 5

sure... except I recognize that in myself and I control it. I am not prejudiced, however. I think the difference is, when I see a ghetto-*** black person doing something dumb, I can't help but think "how typical." That essentially makes me racist. But if I meet a black person, I will not assume they are a certain way just because of their skin color. The most well-respected and brilliant person in my office is a black girl, and I don't think anyone denies her of that or even views it in a racial light. She's not black, or a woman... she's Melissa. So that's why I'm not prejudiced.

Same with economics. If I were laid off tomorrow and I had trouble finding a comparable job afterwords, I might become poor in a matter of months. But that scares me cuz then I'd have to hang around with other poor people, and we all know what THEY're like! Foul-mouth, wife-beating alcoholic schleps with no ambition! But wait, I'd be poor, so would I start drinking and beating my wife too? (again, I harbor the stereotype, but I won't assume a person is a certain way just because they're poor)

Cultural discrimination? Sure... I think muslim extremists are angry and insane like no other group of extremists out there today. They're like the modern-day Nazis as far as I'm concerned. Were all Germans Nazis? No. Just like all Muslims aren't extremists. But those that are just happen to be THE nastiest people alive today in terms of their impact on the entire world and the future of our species. And they have no idea whatsoever as a culture how to not go on mad killing sprees every week, like those nutty sheep-herders in the Balkans. Any region or set of cultures that are constantly fighting within their borders need to take a good look in the mirror. So yeah, not too fond of their culture right now. Sorry.

But as far as racism goes, I think it's a racist world! I mean, who hasn't ever thought "look at those white kids acting black!" Black people are the ones MOST likely to make that comment! If racism wasn't a reality, it would be a meaningless comment because there would be no such thing as "acting like a *blank* person" if race made no difference as to how people act. But it does. Not for all, but for most. But that's why we say "Eminem acts black" or "Bryant Gumbel acts white" or "Stephen Hawkings acts Asian" Not everyone fits the stereotype... but a heck of a lot do!

2006-11-23 19:36:17 · answer #2 · answered by Firstd1mension 5 · 1 0

I don't agree with your definition. A racist is someone who degrades another because of their race. I think people are different due to their race, cultural background, economic level but that doesn't make anyone better or worse than anyone else. I don't think I'm racist.

2006-11-23 19:13:10 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

"make difference for race, cultural, economic level, etc"???

Everyone notices the differences in people. It is a matter of disliking someone over their differences. I saw a bumper sticker today that said "f*** all prejudice." Huh.

Stereotypes exist for a reason. Indian people smell funny to the rest of us. Mexicans talk fast and gesticulate often. The French are snobby. English have bad teeth. Italians are often fat, drunk, and happy. Rich people could not survive in the poor man's world, and poor people rarely have the class or snobbery to survive in the rich man's world. So what?

I recognize the differences in people. I don't hold those differences against them. If I am going to dislike someone, it will be for their personal character (or lack thereof) not their heritage, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic or social status.

2006-11-23 19:23:01 · answer #4 · answered by toolate 3 · 1 0

We are all racist when you base it that loosely. Whites, Blacks, Latinos, Asians..., and others all racist.

Now days you cant even sneeze without someone calling you racist - and whats worse, people accept these petty accusations as an accurate assessment.

For example, someone asked for a recipe from (as she put it) a black person. No "n" word was used, and yet blacks and whites ripped her apart as a racist and even reported her - and Yahoo in kind stripped out the question and gave her a warning.

This is what I mean when I say according to the loose structured "politically correct" crap making everyone a racist. I don't know about you but this being "politically correct" is in itself a racism and form of bigotry all its own.

2006-11-23 19:26:40 · answer #5 · answered by Victor ious 6 · 2 0

"With Racist I mean "make difference for race, cultural, economic level, etc"
I can't answer because you need to look up the definition of racist.

2006-11-23 19:13:15 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Unfortunately, to a certain degree I think we all have a part of us that harbors racially insensitive feelings towards others. Even though we tell ourselves that we are a better person and we would never belittle someone else because race, religion, or whatever, what about those times...when someone of another race cuts you off on the freeway...when someone is rude to you at a fast food place...or someone just outright disrespects you or your loved one?

2006-11-23 19:34:11 · answer #7 · answered by quiet_king 2 · 0 0

I like to say that I am not, but there are times when I experience reverse discriminaiton that I feel those racist tendencies come out in me. I have actually caught myself saying, "I'm not racist,but..." I think everyone is racist or rather discriminate against someone or something; most people just won't admit it.

2006-11-23 19:21:04 · answer #8 · answered by amber 3 · 1 0

No, because, unlike some who may answer your question, I have learned to accept the way others are. Even on the internet, too, because I know that, no matter how insulting they may be, I know they are just real people who probably don't care or realise that these ARE real people on the other side of the modem.

2006-11-23 19:13:31 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes and No.

I believe blacks are better in football and basketball than anyone else.

I believe the research book, The Bell Curve's conclusion that Asian people are the most intelligent race.

I believe history as showing the white race dominating world power.

That's why I would sleep with the most beautiful women of all the races will give me.

2006-11-23 19:20:25 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I think we all are, so my answer is yes. I pick and choose the people I like to be with, or prefer to avoid. I do not pick by SKIN COLOR, as I have friends and lovers of all shades and don't see color when I look at people.
I do see low class, I see lazy, I see and smell dirty, and I hear loud mouths. I prefer educated people who speak English, or their own language well and appreciate any attempts for them to communicate with me. I stay away from people who want things from others without giving in return. I definitely discriminate against idiots who judge people people by skin color, affluence or family background.

With most people, their culture forms them. There are high class cultures, and there are low class cultures, we have the choice of whom we want to associate. (AND, of course, people can always raise themselves above the culture into which they were born, and all praise to them!!)

2006-11-23 19:19:27 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

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