I think the British are cool . I like the accent .
2006-11-23 10:16:28
answer #1
answered by apup76 3
i assume i do no longer probably be attentive to many British human beings, yet i admire Irish and Scottish accents!!! English is wonderful...haha like the different individual pronounced human beings think of English accents are suitable. i think of a few are yet some are not in any respect. and quite a number of alternative individuals say British all and sundry is sarcastic which i think of is a stable element.
2016-11-26 19:09:14
answer #2
answered by ? 4
I love the British! I love finding out what you think of us too. I just love your way of doing things, it is so much different from ours.
2006-11-24 08:17:46
answer #3
answered by ღღღ 7
for the most part, the accent makes women swoon, but the food is seen as bad. but a lot of it is resentment at the british for seeing americans as lowly people who have terrible english, and who are dumb and ignorant. i'm not sure if this is true or not, but i doubt any nationality would be happy to have that kind of reputation with its mother country.
I love the British personally.
2006-11-23 10:50:35
answer #4
answered by Aaron 2
Eh, they're pretty much just like us (Americans) Except for the chosen few that for some reason think that we're below them. Oh, and the ones that think that we influence their Prime Ministers into making bad decisions.
But politics aside, they're good people. And I don't know why everyone says British food sucks, b/c I think it's pretty scrumptious
2006-11-23 10:16:56
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I'm indifferent as to whether you're British or American. As long as you're a friendly person, I'm fine.
2006-11-23 17:49:04
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Depends upon the person who is considering your question. Not all people think the same.
2006-11-23 11:27:17
answer #7
answered by hopflower 7
We like you!
You are half seen as our brothers or cousins - i.e. of the same Anglo-Saxon culture.
And half seen as our parents - the origin of our ways and culture (and let's face it, country).
--- the only issue is some perceived arrognace. Sometimes there are Brits that look down on us as "culturally inferior."
Some jokes are out there over the femininity of British men --- but I think if we were both to go to Australia, we'd be both be called sissies.
2006-11-23 10:14:50
answer #8
answered by evaniax 3
An American once told me he thought that Britain was less "free" than America. Why he thought this was not clear to me as he'd never been here.
2006-11-23 11:10:05
answer #9
answered by alan P 7
I don't know about the rest of the country, but I love your accent.
2006-11-23 10:28:06
answer #10
answered by shy_vi3t_gur1 2