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Have you ever met or seen an alien?

2006-11-23 01:44:08 · 26 answers · asked by abluebobcat 4 in Science & Mathematics Astronomy & Space

Carly - I have in fact met alient life although it could not communicate and vanishes as soon as I approach. I have seen it three times now.

2006-11-23 02:14:11 · update #1

I know it is an alien because it comes from out of the sky in a cigar shaped ship and lands on my property. It wants something from me but I don't know what. I sense that it fears me because when I approach it flies off and does not come back for nearly 6 months!

I want to know what it wants from me.

2006-11-23 02:35:50 · update #2

26 answers

I haven't actually met any life forms face to face, but there certainly seems to be some extremely strange beings registered with YAHOO!ANSWERS. Some of the questions posted just defy answering or reading - the English language obviously provides many of the alien 'life' forms, already on our planet and with Internet access, with a problem, they have difficulty forming intelligible phrases. I do, however, admire their persistence and efforts to communicate. Keep up the good work and hope to see you soon down the pub for a pint.

2006-11-23 01:58:26 · answer #1 · answered by emaxtde 2 · 1 0

We are here. Over the centuries, your planet was a curious place to visit once or twice and was not considered very interesting . Sure, your wars showed us how undeveloped you are as a species. Your infantile,(in cosmic terms) dependence on god concepts does not bode well for you and neither does your penchant to breed beyond your planet's ability to sustain you. We are now showing an interest in you because it is not often that we get to observe a species commit suicide. You are so close to maturing as a sentient species and it will be a shame to see you kill yourselves. There are just not enough of you becoming rational enough to force the issue. You let the least among you determine your fate, so be it.

2006-11-23 09:20:16 · answer #2 · answered by iknowtruthismine 7 · 0 0

I walked out of my evening home confidently and in a sporty mood, I shouted to those standing around the office ''see you chaps'' and closed the the door behind me. I remember whistling 'David Bowie's' Star Man as I strode into the evening mist. I saw a light shining in front of me that glowed into a dim yellow with a haze surrounding the nucleus. It reminded me of a star in the mid winter sky. At first I thought it was a street light and walked expecting to pass under it, suddenly a very tall green man with the appearence of a reptile leapt out at me; grabbed me and carted me off. I tried to fight back but found myself on a table being examined by this tall Green man who by now had been joined by others. Good lord! I thought, are they aliens? if they are, one looks extremly like my mother in law Then an awful screech of abuse from one of the others, I fell to my knees in terror. It looked as though they would finish me off by morning. Thank god my wife was at home away from this but it looked like I had been abducted by aliens who look like my wife and mother in law (but her indoors is in doors). Will they hurt me? all of a sudden the the screeching Aliens came closer, again I thought this is my lot. Then all the Aliens started to screech all at once. It was difficult to see what was going on in the dimly lit hazy room, but the big green reptile stopped the other aliens from surging forward. At this point I started to lose consciousness and when I came out of the coma found myself in a police cell. Soon after I was booked for disordely drunken behavior. But wait a minuet! how can a crocodile book me for drunken disordely behavior?. It just goes to show they will take anybody in the police force nowadays and who were those other reptiles waiting to kill me? could I have been taken to a parallel world where my mother inlaw and wife were crocodiles? or was I to be the midnght feast of an alien race?. And another thing; who saved me? was it any of you out there. Any counciling out there for the survivors of abductions. Well mate, these things happen everyday so don't be alarmed if your wife turns into a crocodile, the sex will probably be great but watch those knashers especialy around your undercarriage.

In short. no man even reptile or anything else has ever met an alien but it doesn't hurt to keep an open mind, so, keep watching and if ther's any free cigars send me a pack please


2006-11-23 03:15:19 · answer #3 · answered by Redmonk 6 · 0 0

confident. there's a park at the back of my living house. as quickly as in awhile an area deliver lands there. I even have long previous out and talked to the beings. they're from the planet Krypton ( confident, they have kryptonite ), and are a greenish hue. the ladies human beings have 3 breasts. they're curious and wander around the community at night looking around ( they might see via partitions ). they have constantly been dazzling to me. i don't have the braveness up yet to ask for a journey.

2016-10-04 07:01:51 · answer #4 · answered by catherine 4 · 0 0

I don't think so, but who knows. Also if you have never communicated with the thing you see how do you know it's alien as opposed to ghost, faerie gremlin or any one of thousand supernatural or Sci Fi visitors. Not being disrespectful or doubting just confused by your reasoning.

2006-11-23 02:31:39 · answer #5 · answered by michaelduggan1940 2 · 0 0

I've been out with a few. And of course they never tell you until the bill arrives and then, what do you know, they've left their wallet in the space ship and no, the resturant doesn't take Alfa Centori Express.

2006-11-23 02:38:23 · answer #6 · answered by gerrifriend 6 · 0 0

I have watched enough Star Trek to know that this is exactly how an alien would act upon coming to Earth. They would adapt to our technology and start asking questions of the public like the ones you are asking.

We may be talking to one now.


2006-11-23 05:26:29 · answer #7 · answered by Tiberius 4 · 0 0

When I was 5 I saw a spaceship land and winged creatures came out of it.

2006-11-23 06:18:41 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

no one till now has been able to see a alien but there have been ufo sightings around the globe well foe me i havent see a alien till now and for seeing aliens it is still a mistry.

2006-11-23 01:48:46 · answer #9 · answered by Bluffmaster 1 · 1 0

I could have met one and not know it. I think aliens have the power to look like any other human being. We could be surrounded by aliens in disguise, don't you think?

2006-11-23 01:50:43 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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