V stands for fixed-wing aircraft (as opposed to, for example, helicopters). Visualize a flight of World War II Grumman Hellcats on a carrier deck with their wings folded so as to fit more of them on the deck. Looking at the plane from the front, the wings would have the shape of a V, would they not?
Similarly, the hull number of the USS Nimitz is CVN 68. The C stands for carrier; the V means that the Nimitz launches fixed-wing aircraft; and the N means that the carrier is powered by a nuclear reactor.
2006-11-22 14:05:28
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
in the Naval service, V is derived from the V in aviation. For instance, an aircraft carrier, nuclear powered, is listed as a CVN for carrier, aviation, nuclear.
In an aviation squadron, V is used to denote fixed wing. For instance, I served with VMAQ-3. VMAQ breaks down like this
V-Fixed Wing,
A-Attack or tactical
Q-this is a specialty designator referring to electronic warfare
The whole designator (VMAQ) would be read as Marine Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron Three
At cherry point, we also had Harriers (VMA- Marine Attack Squadrons), as well as C-130 Hercules (VMGR-Marine refueling and transport). A training squadron would add a T to the end of their designator (VMAT-203, Marine Tactical Attack Training Squadron)
2006-11-25 07:58:37
answer #2
answered by The_moondog 4
CV is the designator for a US Navy aircraft carrier and it's CVW as far as I know. Carrier Air Wing.
CVSG is an aircraft carrier strike group which was formerly known as CVBG or aircraft carrier battle group.
2006-11-22 14:06:49
answer #3
answered by abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 6