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I have an Adiovox LCD TV, Philips DVD player, VCR with PVR from cable co. Explorer 8300. I would like to hook these up with s/video. I have tried to set it up so I can run everything through the receiver. I have A feeling I'm doing something wrong via the DVD. It only has a s/video out. If I don't (instructions via another internet site) conect the s/video to the receiver, how are all the components suposed to get video from the cable,DVD,PVR etc. nothing goes to the moniter except the s/video in from the cable box. If anyone can help me with a step by step on how to set this all up s/video, I would be so greatful. I won't imbarase myself in telling you how long I've been at this. I would like to avoid doing the "red, white and yellow wire" route.

2006-11-22 12:21:14 · 1 answers · asked by Bobbiem 1 in Consumer Electronics Home Theater

1 answers

Cable box out -> PVR in
PVR out -> Receiver in 1
DVD out -> Receiver in 2
Receiver out -> TV in

Of course, this is only the video path -- S-video doesn't have audio connections in the cable. You still need to route all of the audio cables. While you won't need the yellow (video) connection, you'll need all of the red & white for the audio -- unless you go with digital audio from either the DVD or PVR.

The manual has a good diagram in it on page 4 (page 8 of the PDF document)

2006-11-23 00:13:21 · answer #1 · answered by sd_ducksoup 6 · 0 0

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