It does sound like ibs or colitis, neither are cureable as such, but can be managed with diet and/or medication. Your best bet is to wait until you see the consultant, as only he will be able to ascertain what it is, so chin up in the meantime, If you are thinking of cancer, its far more likely to be something like ibs or colitis, so please dont get yourself all stressed out about it, im sure the consultant will shed some light on it soon for you. It may be a simple infection, nothing to do with ibs or colitis, its hard to tell with the info you have given.
Dont try and read up too much about things like this, especially with regards your kids, you will find all sort of scary stuff on the net about illnesses, best to put the diagnosis out of your mind until you see the consultant.
I see a lot of scared people every day in my job, and 99% of the time, its nothing serious to worry about. Honest.
2006-11-22 10:10:59
answer #1
answered by lozzielaws 6
Sorry the only answer I think it safe to give is wait for the Doctors diagnosis!
It would be foolish to guess (and thats all anyone could do!) The symptoms are common in most bowel diseases. Blood in the stool has many different causes and can come through from any part of the digestive system, not just the bowel itself.
I wish I could make it easier for you but no-one can!
You will worry no matter what people say, any Parent would!
All I will say is try and stay as positive as you can especially round her as she will sense your feelings and that may make her afraid!
My heart goes out to you! It is so hard to face your child being ill!
2006-11-22 10:22:34
answer #2
answered by willowGSD 6
My daughter has always had terrible trouble with her bowels from being born.
I have her on a medication in the UK called Movicol. It helps the digestive system expel the waste, and by her going more regular it has gotten rid of the pains. She has previously been on a stool softening medication, but I found that didnt help.
Does she ever get dirty marks on her knickers? If so then this is a sign that she is constipated, and needs medication to help her out.
The blood could be from internal hemmoroids, or even food posining. Get it checked out asap!
Also is there any history of Spina Bifida in your family? If so mention this to the dr, because there is a form of it that doesnt affect the outward appearance of a child but can affect their bowels and urine.
Hope this helps some.
2006-11-22 10:12:04
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
IBS is a term that GPs use to fob people off, just like ME and chronic fatigue syndrome and other fancy modern day terms.
You should seek (in fact demand) a second opinion. GPs are generalists by their nature. Blood in stools is not a symptom to be ignored, could it be ulcers or a hernia?
I hope you get a satisfactory answer soon
Jo xx
2006-11-22 10:15:19
answer #4
answered by Jo Maxi 2
I think the first poster is correct in that it sounds like collitus or something similar. I know its easy but try hard not to worry until tests are done as any worry will be passed on to your little one even if unintentional. Good luck to both of you x
2006-11-22 10:14:24
answer #5
answered by starlet108 7
I would say Lozzielaw has given such a good answer to your question and you should take heed of her answer. Wait to get proper answeres from the consultant they know your daughters symptoms and are there in person for you!
2006-11-22 10:17:14
answer #6
answered by mistickle17 5
as a sufferer of ibs the symptoms you describe are related to this condition. your GP was right to refer her to hospital, she will get the appropriate diagnosis and treatment, good luck.
2006-11-22 10:15:38
answer #7
answered by Hunny Bun... 3
I,m sure a lot of people could give you their advice much of which would be too scarey to think about, I could but won,t because it is a child, better of waiting to see consultant and seeing what he thinks. very best of luck and try not to worry too much
2006-11-22 10:13:23
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
i won't say don't worry you should and will worry instead i will say trust your doctors they are proffessionals and will be able to treat it if it is treatable, get 2nd 3rd and fourth opinions or more if you need to
2006-11-22 10:15:07
answer #9
answered by mini the prophet of fubar 4