Our government, and our employers, in that order ... and shame on both of them!
2006-11-22 10:08:04
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
America became the economic powerhouse, in part, because it allows the concept of supply and demand to work (capitalism.) When migrants are allowed to arrive and provide a service below the cost that the employer would be required to pay to the legal citizens or permitted individuals, it upsets the balance of capitalism, which then disrupts the whole economy from the Federal Reserves control of the monetary supply to the legislature's progressive income tax plan. When exacerbated by the money then being sent overseas, the effect is multiplied: the situation basically becomes a tax on the working class of the US which is sent as welfare to the foreign country (Mexico, here.)
The solutions aren't pretty. Either the laws in America mean something, or they don't. Taxes on the middle class have to increase to cover the loss of revenue to the government. Institutions that provide a public service and that cannot, by law or ethics, avoid that service end up going bankrupt. The workers themselves have no protection. In a capitalistic society, which the corporations espouse for their own benefit, supply is directly related to demand. If they need a service, they must be willing to pay for it, or they SHOULD go out of business.
2006-11-22 12:19:34
answer #2
answered by Sage B 2
Agree. However, I believe that companies are only partly to blame, and that some unknowingly hire undocumented workers. Proof of citizenship is required under the I-9 form from the Department of Labor. That requires one Class A document, or a Class B and Class C document. Class B and C documents are easily reproducible and forged. When an employer sees these documents, and if they are not obvious fakes, then the employer has done the background and verification in good faith. As for those I-9 Forms, those, along with copies of the identification documents, are sent to the Department of Labor.
2006-11-22 09:43:05
answer #3
answered by Big Super 6
You nailed it. If we prosecute them, then a domino effect will occur and therefore the costs of the border patrol as well as taking care of them would decrease.
These employers should be hiring American citizens. It may cost more and the price may go up but LONG-TERM COSTS mentioned above would decrease.
Here is something I don't hear a lot. There is a way to hire Americans while making the cost for hiring them equal or lower than the cost of hiring illegals.
As Donald Rumsfeld said in "Rumsfeld's Rules" on the Wall Street Journal, "Watch the growth of middle-level management. Don't automatically fill vacant jobs. Leave some positions unfilled for six to eight months to see what happens. You will find you won't need to fill some of them."
Applying to these employers is that they should consider hiring FEWER Americans (on a minimum wage) than illegals (not on it) for costs to go down. The key is EFFICIENCY. Even better, these employers should use more machinery to lower long-term costs. These machines don't think and whine like we people. In fact, they wouldn't demand for HIGHER wages. Anyway, I hope that helps.
2006-11-23 11:36:35
answer #4
answered by Batch D 2
I truly agree, because some Employers do not verify the illegal aliens social security number and they pay them with a
1099-Misc which is non-employee compensation. The Employer gets the deduction,but does not pay Social Security Tax, unemployment tax, Workman's compensation etc. etc. and illegal aliens cant go to the Labor Board and complain, so the Employers save tons of money having therefore a juicy profit.
2006-11-22 09:44:15
answer #5
answered by Trigueña 6
I agree, and I think the same can be said for American computer and software engineers, not to mention call center operators who lose their jobs to outsourcing in India. How dare these corporations take advantage of the buying capability of the American people yet refuse to provide them with the well paying jobs needed to continue to buy their rip off products. They should be forced to sell their product in the countries where they are being made, and watch how fast they go out of business. American companies can still do business in the USA and pay Americans a decent wage, rather than being ultra greedy and wanting more for themselves. The same is true for these "supposed jobs Americans dont want". Americans will apply for jobs that they are informed of, I have yet to see any of these farms post ads in the classifieds! These companies need to be held responsible for being down right anti American.
2006-11-22 12:28:33
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Definately an agreement from me. If the illegals cannot find jobs, they would only be here to rob, maime, and kill others just to get by. The biggest problem is that big business employers are not severly punishment enough for hiring illegals. Basically a slap on the wrist and a couple of dollars fine.
2006-11-22 09:35:37
answer #7
answered by me_worry? 4
I agree that folks come here for a job. If there were no jobs, then there would be no incentive for the workers to come here. What is needed, in my view, is an effective guest worker program that allows quick entry for workers tracks them and when the work is over is able to return them to their home nation. It is estimated that 25% of construction workers are undocumented. I suggest that any American can obtain employment. It might be working in a meat packing plant or hauling bricks, but there is plenty of work to be done and our nation does not have enough workers to do the tasks.
2006-11-22 09:42:25
answer #8
answered by david42 5
It's a catch 22, neither the immigrant or the employer are fully to blame.
Yes, it's true that employers are scooping up illegals by the hundred and driving down wages and forcing America into poverty. I fully agree.
However, some blame must be laid on the illegals and on the country of Mexico as well. Wal-Mart wouldn't have the option of hiring illegals if they hadn't come over in the first place. The deluge of aliens creates temptation for corporations that needn't be there. If the supply slows or stops, corporations will no longer be able to reliably use illegally cheap labor.
2006-11-22 09:36:29
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Disagree. The Mexican government is the biggest facilitator of illegal immigration. Mexico's people wouldn't be leaving if their country was in better shape. Unfortunately, the fact that they can leave so readily is what prevents it from getting into better shape.
2006-11-22 10:14:40
answer #10
answered by functionary01 4
Disagree. You can't break a law to get here and have other people pay to educate your children while ruining their children's schools, give your employer fake ID and say it's all the employer's fault.
It may ALSO be the employer's fault, but it is absolutely the illegal who broke the law to get here and is using services in this country's fault.
2006-11-22 10:34:44
answer #11
answered by DAR 7