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...that with their children.

I saw an Iranian cartoon that glorified suicide bombers. And clips from a Muslim children's show where the little girl host was singing a Barny-type song, only the lyrics were "Jews are pigs and Jews are dogs, with Allah's help we'll kill them all".

Do we actually think this is going to end peacefully when the kids are brought up to hate Israel and America and brainwashed into thinking their happiness depends on the destruction of us?

2006-11-22 07:37:56 · 15 answers · asked by El Pistolero Negra 5 in Politics & Government Military

15 answers

So instead of Dr Suess their bedtime story would be "Care and Cleaning of your 45 caliber automatic". And instead of play-doh they'd get plastique and C-4. And when they were bad "Thats it! You march youself down to the firing range and I don't want to see you until you've fired off 100 rounds".

We need not lower ourselves to their level. The value of another's life is one of the defining elements separating humans from animals. We cannot dispose of that ideal because the "other guy" is. The way to fight it is to teach children to respect others, not to teach them to be better warriors than the other kids.

2006-11-22 07:56:51 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

The short answer is NO.

The long answer is:

Just because someone else does something doesn't mean
that it is right or the thing to do for us. After all, we already have
a lot of young people who are racist and belligerent. Check your
newspapers or local TV news.

What we need to do is not badmouth our military or try to
convince them they should not join the military because we don't
believe in war. Get a clue. No one in his right mind wants to go
to war. There is a reason why they say "war is hell", because
it is.

War changes a person. They are never quite the same as they

2006-11-22 07:54:50 · answer #2 · answered by producer_vortex 6 · 2 0

Children need to be children and not fighting machines. They need play with dolls, play baseball, pretend to fly the space shuttle and most of all tolerance. They will grow up to know right from wrong and know which people to fight when its time. Radical Muslims are people who hate all others and will always teach their children to hate, carry a weapon and young men told they will receive 72 Virgins in Paradise when they become a suicide bomber. Lets teach our children the right way and they will understand and know what to do when they have to cross that bridge.

2006-11-22 22:07:57 · answer #3 · answered by verduneuro 2 · 0 1

Hehehe.........Don't take that seriously!
It's just a wish, but, I don't think that will really apply it!

Anyway, Not all Muslims hate us!>>>>>>>>>I have some Muslim friends who are so cooperative & nice:)

Don't just at the dark side MAN!
Think raitonaly rather than emotionaly..

By the way, terrorists are different from muslims but, there are few groups which are bad ..just like anywhere in our countries;)

Some of them do that under the name of ISLAM but, ythat is no't true.........Actually, there is no rteligion that refuse ethics & norms!
Let's make WORLD a better place to live!
Let's workout PEACE people!

2006-11-22 07:54:33 · answer #4 · answered by Perfect_Human 2 · 1 2

I think classifying it as an Iranian cartoon is stereotyping. I’d agree that it’s a extremist cartoon depicting a certain mindset extremists want children to adopt, but if you classify the cartoon with a particular nation then we’d be just as guilty with our satire and right wingist viewpoints on TV in the States. This is where the parent's participation in a child's entertainment helps. :)

You question itself seems quite rhetorical because most everyone knows that raising children with a proper education, morals, and a general acceptance to race/religion/creed/etc.. is a necessity.

2006-11-22 07:49:21 · answer #5 · answered by Sage 2 · 1 3

scary? no i don't think we should train our children to hate. hate and fighting is such an ugly thing. lets train our soildiers.

those people u are talking about are not true muslims. true muslims do not believe in violence. the people u r talking about are terrorists. its almost like a cult. they r brainwashing everyone to believe that us americans are devils. and that this war is a religious war. they talk the women and children into doing the dirty work. the men believe woman are inferior and by them blowing themselves up they get to keep more men. the women believe because they are doing it for God they will get to go to heaven when they die.

its horrible, we should not stoop down to their level.

2006-11-22 07:44:14 · answer #6 · answered by Miki 6 · 0 2

Not just to fight Muslims. The world is a big place and every where you look someone is against someone. It would be self defense.

2006-11-22 10:54:51 · answer #7 · answered by tamryn666 1 · 0 0

Let me get this right, you want us to encourage our children to be suicide bombers to protect us from Barney? Seems a little extreme.

2006-11-22 08:27:11 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

An entire generation of children are being taught that way.
Even if the parents are moderate Muslims, their children are being taught to be radical and the parents are too afraid to stop it.
http://usawakeup.org has some good information for everyone to read & be aware of.
Teaching our children respect is great.
The problem is, unless they also understand that the Islamic Extremists have no such respect for humans or life, they will try to negotiate, negotiate. negotiate until it's too late.

2006-11-22 07:47:16 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

I agree that it is a terrible situation to ponder. Islamic nations are responsible for sowing violent seeds across the planet.

What other choice do we have but fight those who would deny us our lives, our liberty?

2006-11-22 07:55:35 · answer #10 · answered by C = JD 5 · 1 1

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