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ok i have a kennmore double oven and a kennmore smoothtop 5 burner cook stove they are both 4 yrs old well about 5 months ago the double oven started acting up keeps beebing and wont cook it runs for a little while then shuts off my cook stove the other night after cooking on it just cracked and a piece actually fell through one of the burners and then by morning the crack continued all the way across.. well only my oven is under warrenty so i have to pay for my stove but what makes me mad is that they wont stand behind this product that is only 4 yrs old that is not rite has anyone else had this problem before with kennmore or anyother co and how do i get some satisfaction or am i just asking to much? and stoves and ovens that cost over a thousand each just dont last that long

2006-11-22 05:46:04 · 4 answers · asked by crazyme 5 in Home & Garden Other - Home & Garden

kirk how can i tell if it is under warenty? they say it isnt and sometimes not often it will flash f2

2006-11-23 14:30:11 · update #1

4 answers

The smooth top on your stove should be under warranty...They carry a five year replacement warranty, but you may have to pay a service tech to install it... As for your oven, does it give any error codes, like E1 F2 or something of that sort... One thing I would check is if the control board cooling fan is running when the oven is on... If it isn't than I would say that's your problem

2006-11-22 17:59:02 · answer #1 · answered by Kirk D 3 · 0 0

Contact Sears customer service. Tell them you're not happy. Tell them that you're willing to pay for the repair of the stove (hourly rate), but not the trip charge -- since the people will be there already replacing your oven.

2006-11-22 13:49:32 · answer #2 · answered by curious1223 3 · 0 0

smoothtop burning ovens come with weel defined instructions of what you can and cannot cook on top of them. I bought a house a week ago, and my dad, and electrician, was telling me how he sees this problem alot on smoothtop ovens, he sadi you have got to use flat bottomed pans and skillets or the heat builds up underneath them too much, and it will crack the top, he said it is very very common. i can't believe this happened, it sucks, i have a smoothtop at my new house, i hope this doesn't happen to me, because i am not very kitchen savvy. but yeah, smoothtop ovens suck apparently, sorry you are having to deal with this. hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving

2006-11-22 14:00:52 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Here is a place to start. Didn't look myself, but they may have a "contact us" button, corporate office address, customer service...you can write them a letter stating your dissatisfaction and possibly get some satisfaction for yourself. Go all the way to the biggest corporate dog you can get to! Good luck. Sorry about the stove!


2006-11-22 14:04:57 · answer #4 · answered by reynwater 7 · 0 0

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