While I do not condone spying on your children, you have many options open to you. While you could just log everything to text and read them later if your daughters aren't savvy enough to turn the option off in their chat client, for real-time monitoring, you can use VNC type software to monitor every action performed on a remote computer except when the machine is booting up or shutting down. You can split the video signal from her video card via hardware means to another monitor under your control. You can install a small hub and sniff every data packet that comes by the network with an agent or just install a keystroke logger on their desktop. It's really really wrong to do any of the above though.
2006-11-22 03:38:01
answer #2
answered by PSE 4
http://www.keyghost.com (costs money)
search for network monitors, pc monitors, keystroke loggers, IM catchers.. and you'll find some.
if you really want one that works, then pay for one because these can really mess with people, the free ones aren't always trusting, they can send data to someone else and they can take your money and whatever else. so be careful. you might want to spend a little money to get the best thing.
keystroke loggers - save EVERY key that was stoked on the keyboard. so you can look back and even see what she was GOING to say but DIDNT.
IM catcher - saves all Instant Messages sent and recieved.
Network Monitor - Watches and saves everything that is done on a pc.
2006-11-22 03:34:32
answer #3
answered by Anonymous 3
I doubt any of these folks who are so disaproving of your need to ensure your child is safe, have children of there own, and if they do, how sad as the child probably runs the street and does whatever he/she wishes. As a parent who raised eight children, back in 1999, before there were any such thing as parental monitoring software, I took the action of boxing up my computer for over five years, after I found my kids accessing material I found dangerous or just not healthy.
I know from experiance that the child who seems the least in need of monitoring is in need of it the most. The child who seems most trustworthy, who you think you have to worry about the least, is the one you have to watch the most. The reason for this is when children/teens are left unsupervised temptation strikes and when there are not any perametors in place to protect them they get into very dangerous situations. This does not mean they are bad kids, not at all. They simply are kids, and kids have no idea of their own mortality and while they "know" hypothetically that bad things do indeed happen in the world, they watch the news, they never, ever, think anything bad will happen to them, the bad stuff always happens to somebody else, never will it happen to them.
Not one single child who entered dangerous territory ever once thought they were truly in danger. Kids think they are taking safety percautions, or that they simply will never be one who is harmed. This is normal thinking for kids, as they are incapable of truly understanding that they are as at risk as the next kid, and it couldl very well happen to them. Kids and young adults have this invulnerable feeling of invincability, and as such are in great danger.
Anybody who does not fully understand this will be those who scream about kids' privacy and how parents are horrible to cross into their personal spaces, and that they have little or no right to do so. I bed to differ, I object extensivey, and I know for a fact any good and loving parent will do everything within their power to ensure their child lives through that childhood. Most grown adults looking back on their childhood marval that they survived it. They do this as when they look back with an adults eye at the things they did, they recongnize exactly how dangerous their behavior and actions were. So, as we know how children/teens think they are invulnerable, never believing anything bad will happen to them, even in the face of facts showing children and teens are at the highest risk group for preditors, we will do what is needed to ensure our children's well being.
I strongly reccomend you purchase software and/or hardware which monitors you childs activities. While there are free programs, the ones which are the best cost money. If you simply are unable to afford the cost, then go for the free ones, but if you have the money, above your neccesities, spend it on this softwre/hardware. There is little of more value in your life than your children. As such, when you have a few extra pennies laying about, put them into a jar, skip McDonalds, or Burger King, or the trip to the movies, or that dinner out, and save until you have enough for the programs which you have to pay for.
I strongly object to those who don't have children offering opinions about a subject they have not a single ability to offer any true understanding of, or have any depth of insight into. I also object to any parent who lets their children do whatever they please offering any advice here, as good parents don't allow their children to run around without proper superivision. LIke knowing where your children are at any given point in time, who they are with and exactly what they are doing. Any parent who thinks it is not important, or worse a "violation or the child's privacy and space" to so monitor children obviously hasn't a clue on proper parenting skills and/or wish to put out any real effort in being a parent. The children in such households are neglected and will turn to the streets to find the attention they crave. Children in such households with parents who couldn't really give a damm in properly parenting their children are at the highest risk group for becoming victems of preditors. I feel terriably sad for any child whoes parent does NOT want to monitor his/her activity.
Go here:
If you just are unable to afford these yet, then do a search for free parental tools on goggle or Live Search. I found the above links on Live Search.
Good for you for being such a great parent, and I wish you the best in keeping your child safe. It is up to parents to do that until the time comes they are able to keep themselves safe, to be their own parents, which is what adults do, well, when they become adults. We parent ourselves, tell ourselves what is safe and healthy. Until that time or they leave home anyway, and lets hope they are doing this before they leave home, it is up to us parents to ensure they are safe and not a victem of some saddistic bastar# who likes little kids, or even some adult purusing the chat rooms for homes to invade and rob. Kids have no idea what is out there and how the internet has created an entirely new breed of criminals.
2006-11-22 04:23:36
answer #7
answered by Serenity 7