My cats will jump up and grab the string of a helium balloon in their around with it ....lose it....then start the process all over. It's great fun to watch!
2006-11-22 02:13:55
answer #1
answered by rhonda y 6
Ok heres mine...
Time: 3 am
Place: My Bedroom.....
Me and my hubby were asleep, my cat was only a couple monthes old. I was startled awake by him pinging around the room.....I began to peak over the covers to see what he was doin when all of the sudden, he jumped on the bed. Ran across the bed, jumped on my hubby's chest, and launched himself straight into the wall.....after having the living daylights scared out of him, hubby turned on the lights and investigated....the Lil' goofy kitten was chasing a fly!
There is one more story...
My cat has a thing for drinking out of the bathroom sink, and he uses the toilet to get into the sink...Well he thought he'd be smart and forget the sink and drink from the toilet.....the result of his decision? a VERY wet kitten...but it doenst end there. He must have really enjoyed the toilet cause at random times, we would hear him go racing through the house, up the stairs, and a loud he launched himself into the toilet, then would come bolting back out of the bathroom and pounce on me!
2006-11-22 10:18:41
answer #2
answered by nickname 1
I just got a 3 month old kitten and I already had 3 older female cats. One of the older cats noticed that the kitten was under a shoe box. She sat on the box so the kitten couldn't get out. Cats do al kinds of crazy things. My cats sleep in the sink, suck on their tales, I rub cat nip on one and the others pin her down and lick her.
2006-11-22 11:21:25
answer #3
answered by A Fire Inside 3
When my cat jumps straight to the floor from a box, then suddenly,his neck is been caught by the electric fan wire while flying down. His body rotated 2 times and boom to the floor!. When he walked slowly. his legs were zigzags!
2006-11-22 10:37:44
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I actually had a friend that had a cat with Downs Syndrome. It would always run into walls. Funny, but also very sad!
2006-11-22 10:07:42
answer #5
answered by Amy L 3
One of my long-haired kittens, Cherry, was playing on the windowsill and then fell off it into the cats drinking bowl swam around and jumped out, It was hilarious!.
2006-11-22 16:14:19
answer #6
answered by Hadassah R 2
my cat sits there ready to pounce while staring at a lonesome jacket on the floor.... then when the time is right, he attacks the sleeve and runs right through it lol
he also sits there for minuts at a time licking his collar and getting his tounge stuck inbetween it and his neck
2006-11-22 10:15:06
answer #7
answered by Erikawithasmile 4
ok, my cats are crazy. my older kitty is a smart alec, literally.
gabriel (black stray, 4 yrs, had him since 6 wks old)
emillee (russian blue, 4 mos. had her bout 1 month)
story one:
~last year, relatives came into town, and wanted to see my pride and joy. so i said to go outside and call out 'gabriel' and hell come running. my aunt did, no sign of him. i go out and shake his treats, and he jumps outta the tree across the street and comes runnin full speed. my aunt was laughin, and yelled out "YOU BETTER STOP AND LOOK BOTH WAYS!" and i kidd you not, thats exactly what he did!! he did that kinda cartoony animated stop, paws out in front, still sliding. looked up, then down the street, and took off again.
story 2:
~me, mom, 2 younger sisters just got home from the store. gabes nose was in the corner of the door, waitin to slip in, and the girls were pushin and shoving, and moms tryna open the door. all of a sudden she stops and yells, ' if yall dont get your butts behind me right this instant....' i forgot what was said next, i was laughin too hard. gabe was the first to turn around, walk behind mom (right in front of me) and plops his lil butt down!!!
the rest arent really stories, just random things they do.
~gabe knows how a door opens, and stretches up to the knob and bats at it. (hes a very long cat)
~he also know how to open cabinet doors, and climb inside, making a bunch of noise in the middle of the night, not to mention the mess.
~he also figured out a way to get up to the VERY TOP of the closet, and knocks everything outta his way, all the way around. and the closet door doesnt latch, and with his knowledge of door opening techniques, were screwed, lol.
~he has the longest meow EVER! and it sounds like he tries to talk to you, in english!
~oh, and he has 6 claws on his front paws!!
~he loves smelly shoes, sticks his head in my boyfriends after a long day at work (walking, running, etc)
~emillee, i havent had her long enough to have alot of stories, but i do have a couple.. she will jump on gabes back, front paws around his neck, slip around him, still kinda holding on. so shes on the floor on her back and that starts a wrestling match like no other.
~well then there was the time i was standing under the fan in my room, and the light cord was dangling over my shoulder. that cat climbs up me, all the way to my hip, before i flipped out (she hit bare skin there) and i swatted her away.i had afew claw holes, scratches and bruises. and a couple more thereafter when i clipped her claws that night. lol
~she also get jealous of my laptop. when ever i turn it on, and she wants attention, shell come lay in my lap... if that doesnt work, shell sit by the screen.... then shell just casually walk across the keyboard.... then shell lay down on the keyboard, and my hands sometimes, and give me no choice but to pet her. either that, or shell come over when im doing something with the mouse, and shell plop her butt on the keyboard and attack the cursor!! its cute.
2006-11-22 12:10:37
answer #8
answered by amber 2
Mine tries to climb up the wall. She jumps as high as she can but she cannot grab onto the wall.
2006-11-22 10:08:05
answer #9
answered by travelguruette 6
i was on youtube and i found this video about this tired kitten who kept passing out it was ridiculous. the poor thing almost fell out of its basket.
2006-11-22 10:15:37
answer #10
answered by swjbravo007 1