Rent to own places usually do not report unless it is in default. However if in need of credit try a department store card or even open an account at a furniture store. Most financing there is easy to obtain with easy terms and the due report good and bad credit. Lately dept. store cards IE. Sears, Wal-Mart etc. will easily give you an account if you have a major credit card IE Visa, Master Card. I would steer clear of Rent-to-Own. Those are more for people who have really really bad credit. And even then they could probably restore their credit way before what ever they buy there is paid off. Hope this helps and God bless you in making a good decision and establishing you credit.
2006-11-21 17:41:05
answer #1
answered by bamaboy_t 2
2016-07-19 19:58:21
answer #2
answered by Beverly 3
I would NOT go to a RTO *(rent to own)* place.
They charge far far to much money for merchandise.
Imagine paying $35 per week for a TV for 36 months = $1260.
That TV just cost you $1260 at a cost of $140 per month.
You could go to a store & BUY the same TV brand new - with a full warranty for $280.
My suggestion is read for 2 months & save the money & buy the TV.
The same is true of all items in my opinion.
RTO places do not report to the credit bureau, so no credit rating is being established.
Pay cash!
2006-11-21 15:18:45
answer #3
answered by chey_one 3
Most of them do not report to the credit bureaus unless you don't pay, so you won't be building good credit. They are a good way to furnish your place if you don't have the cash up front since you will be making payments. They bad thing is that you could have bought two by the time you pay with a rent-to-own.
2006-11-21 14:53:49
answer #4
answered by Mariposa 7
Rent to own places are not a good credit starter and their prices are extremly high. A car, apartment, small loan and things of that nature aare good credit based programs to get you started.
2006-11-21 16:05:57
answer #5
answered by laidbck111 3
Rent-To-Own Homes :
2016-07-11 23:01:55
answer #6
answered by Sibyl 3
Most Rent-to -own places are by-the-week. They will not help with your credit rating. They are also usally higher priced when compared with other stores.
2006-11-21 14:56:05
answer #7
answered by Scott E 3
Its a great place to go if you want to pay twice what each item is worth.
You are much better saving those payments until you can buy items with cash.
2006-11-21 16:31:54
answer #8
answered by Anonymous