That's tough, and I'm really sorry hon. Actually, I just got kicked out of my mom's house for "putting a hole in her door" which is a perfectly square hole that could never be done by a shoe, and she still won't admit to it. Parents are stubborn. They do love you, but when they have their mind set on something, there's no changing it. I think they feel that because their older, they know what they're talking about, and you couldn't possible know... It might help me help you if you answer a few questions. How old are you? Are your parents together? I'm living with my dad now. That could work better. Or, perhaps you can try to sit down and talk with her. And trust me, rebellion is not the answer... I got into a lot of trouble bcuz of parents... If you want, feel free to email me. I'll do my best to help.
2006-11-21 10:29:36
answer #1
answered by Raye 2
Why don't you make an effort to spend just a few hours with your mom on Thanksgiving and be polite. Just don't fight with her even if she tries. I know it's hard to break a habit of arguing, but maybe you could pull it off for a short time.
2006-11-21 19:41:52
answer #2
answered by The First Dragon 7
I feel for you. Around this time of year you want to be close to your family and when your not it adds alot of stress. But i cant help but wonder what is fuleing all this? If shes fighting with you all the time look at what causing all of it, and put pen to paper explaning your self and everything and give it to her. Maybe she might read it then talk to you and settle all this unwanted anger before the hoildays .
good luck
2006-11-21 18:34:16
answer #3
answered by poppy 2
why does she think you are a thief have you took something that's not your,which is normal to do it once.but that is it there is no excuse for stealing . she must have her reasons.i have a 11 year old and sometimes he acts to grown which scares me .the fact is you have to listen to her,she only wants what is best for you.its hard to understand now but you will see that when you need some one your mom will always be the first one there for you.she will love you through anything.just hang in there.
2006-11-21 19:00:13
answer #4
answered by cool mom32 2
Talk to your mother. Tell her how you feel. Let her know that you love her and you want a more understanding relationship with her. If she doesn't listen then it's all up to you. You have to ignore her and not be disrespectful. Always remember that she is your mother and as long as your under her roof you have to deal with her. Good Luck
2006-11-21 18:28:05
answer #5
answered by mommie2morgan 1
If you cannot talk without screaming, write her a letter telling her how you feel about her accusations and let her know if you are innocent or guilty, then tell her your feelings towards her. Everyone loves getting letters
2006-11-23 22:19:54
answer #6
answered by fifi 5
hmm...sounds like sitting down and talking might not work, but you should try to. Try having a calm convorsation with her, and if your mom starts screaming out you, try your best to stay calm. Rage pretty much feeds of rage, so dont snap back ^_^
i hope this helps a bit...
2006-11-21 18:25:55
answer #7
answered by Kat 1