He's being blocked by social programming that says, you shouldn't have a woman unless you are successful and move society forward in some way. Eventually, he will either get a high paying career and then meet woman or he will marry a fat, ugly, stupid, boring girl and spend the rest of his life being abused.
Or he, could go here and fix the problem:
2006-11-21 09:36:16
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Sad because a relationship is a great experience and he hasn't had one yet, but this doesn't make him a loser. There's a reason... either he hasn't met the right girl, isn't interested in having a relationship, is insecure or what have you. Once he finds out what that reason is he'll have a much easier time.
2006-11-21 09:34:59
answer #2
answered by sharky 4
This is not a problem. Give it time. He should relax and be himself. The right person at the right time will come along. I had never dated any girl more than twice before I met my wife at age 22 and we clicked. She was the first woman I ever really kissed and now we have been together for 33 years. Be patient.
2006-11-21 09:35:19
answer #3
answered by rac 7
Maybe he hasn't found Mr. Right yet.
No, I'm just kidding.
It's not sad, its just different. He'll date more and build relationships when he wants to and when he finds more people he wants to date. If there is a reason, like he smells or he is very awkward, he'll figure out how to ask for advice when he is ready. It's not sad.
2006-11-21 09:38:06
answer #4
answered by Mirlane 2
I don't know if it's "sad" but maybe he hasn't found the one he's looking for. Sounds like it to me. 22 is still young, why get stuck in a 'real' relationship at that age? If I could do it over I sure wouldn't have.
2006-11-21 09:33:43
answer #5
answered by musicpanther67 5
provide up & imagine of ALL it really is transpired those days on your life. imagine about the heartaches you've lengthy gone through for one reason AND yet another...it really is the reason you're feeling as you're. Has no longer something to do such as your vasectomy. My ex husband had one yrs. in the past, by no ability replaced a element with him personality smart. After the heartaches you've had, that's left you "tender hearted" & susceptible such as your emotional wondering in maximum parts of your life contained in the triumphing. I dare say you've reliable reason to experience depressed!!! If I were you, i'd make a visit to my family contributors Dr. enable him comprehend the way you're feeling, would melancholy meds. be of help to you...i have been on them for some yrs. now via heartaches in my family contributors. My Dr. stated there are such fairly some persons strolling round depressed & do not even comprehend it. Can so actual be remedied by meds. seem on the television commercials for melancholy & all which may be taken to assist it. Meds. DO help very much. I dare say they sensible does no longer damage you both. they don't artwork "over nite", take some wks. to get into your gadget, even as they do, you'd be noticing a substitute on your human being attitude. that's sensible properly worth that Dr. visit, & no longer something to experience embarrassment about both. bypass get it dealt with, i don't experience you'll experience sorry about it somewhat...the perfect to you...:)
2016-11-29 08:34:54
answer #6
answered by ? 4
I think you should find her and make sure you like her, tease her a little while still being friendly (do not show her thet she is in controll of you, dont kiss a** and show courtesy a bit (like pull out her chair, open doors for her while you walk in front and pick on her, but friendly and dont overdo it)
As for the kissing, after the first date, grab a bit of her hair and feel it while saying "your hair, its so soft"while looking into her eyes, then her lips, then her eyes, and if she seems happy, slowly go for the kiss (slow and passionate, not sloppy and dont pukker your lips before the kiss) (just bc she kisses you doesn't mean she wants to have sex, and dont close your eyes while kissing her
2006-11-21 09:34:52
answer #7
answered by Scatman 5
no it's not sad. 22 is too young to be in a serious relationship. Go out, have fun, live a little. Don't worry about a serious relationship yet.... it will happen when you least expect it
2006-11-21 09:34:25
answer #8
answered by Jennifer L 6
Rememeber a man isnt a man until hes in love. Not what others may think im meaning. but loveing and caring. No its not sad, maybe your not out going
2006-11-21 09:37:33
answer #9
answered by M 3
It's not sad. Maybe just a late bloomer. And there is nothing wrong with that. Just go at your own pace.
2006-11-21 09:33:43
answer #10
answered by *Logan's Mommy* 5